How can a teen lose 15 pounds!

Question: How can a teen lose 15 pounds
i am 13 and have 3-4 weeks before school how can i lose 15 pounds in 3 weeks somthing that isnt to hard because i am a teen and i cant work out all the time

hey im 15 and have lost 40lbss recently!.!. what u should do is bout 75 sit ups a day and go for an hour run a night works wonders weight loss isnt a huge secret u just gotta do itWww@Answer-Health@Com

Talk to your parents about eating better and finding some activity you enjoy!. Don't try to lose 15 pounds in 3 weeks!.!. 1/2~1 pound a week is the best way to lose if you want to keep it off!.

You are doing good to start you way to better health!. Now you can't workout all the time, but perhaps you may want to explore school related activities!. Join the cross country team, swim team or soccer!. Go biking or rollerskating!. But do something on a regular bases and in no time you'll be looking good!.

Find out what your 'normal' weight should be and don't shoot to be super skinny like the models we all see in the media!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Teens shouldn't try to loose weight, especially early teens because they're bodies are still growing!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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