Peanut Butter fattening?!

Question: Peanut Butter fattening!?
Is Peanut Butter fattening!? I do not eat it because I get scared i will get fat!. It has 16g of fat so I dont eat it!. But it also has 7g of protien that will help me with working out!. Is it fine to eat it or will it make me fat!? I really dont want that!. Please be honest!. Thanks!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Peanut butter is good in moderation!. It does contain fat, but it is high in monounsaturated fats, which are extremely good for the heart!. It also has protein, as you mentioned above!. Go ahead and enjoy a little bit of peanut butter each day!. It tastes great with apple sliced or celery, and it makes an excellent spread for toastWww@Answer-Health@Com

well it varies from person to person, but I am living proof that it does not make you fat!. i eat it in the morning with an english muffin as well as mix it in my cereal or oatmeal!. For lunch, I occasionally have the same english muffin or peanut butter sandwhich!.!.!.!.and I will occasionally add it to my icecream after dinner!. I live off of peanut butter but I also burn a gajillion billion calories a day from my training:)Www@Answer-Health@Com

It has good fats, so it's ok to have a little bit with celery or something!. Still, fat is fat, and it will add up!. So eat it in small portions!. It's good for you though, so it's ok to eat it now and then!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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