How little food can you survive on?!


How little food can you survive on?

I'm not fat but I wish I was skinnier. I was made fun of a lot in school last year and this year is my first middle school year and I actually want to be asked to dances and stuff. How little food can you eat?


I'm sorry people made fun of you. People now days really should be more considerate. But anyway, I responded to another question similar to this one so here was my answer to that. I'm not really advising it, but I was in the same situation as you and though it was hard, this worked for me. Only thing I'd add to it is to exercise about 15 minute every day at the least.

I don't know if you should do what I did, but I did lose about 40 lbs in two months. I would have some fat free fruit yogurt for breakfast, same thing for lunch except then I'd make myself drink like 8 ounces of fat free milk and sometimes have like a special K cereal bar. Then for dinner I'd have a small salad usually with no dressing. I did this every day for close to two months, didn't even exercise like you are, and I lost a lot of weight. Although, now that I look back I realize I was practically starving myself. But hey, it worked for me and during the time I stayed healthy with no medical problems and I never felt sick or anything.

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