I'm losing my motivation to work out.!

Question: I'm losing my motivation to work out!.
How can I get my motivation back!? I used to work out religiously but I've been slacking off and have gotten a little thinner (which does NOT please me since I worked hard to get bigger)!. I'm dealing with a lot of stuff right now and just haven't felt like working out!. I think it's partly due to depression too!.

Do you ever have slumps!? It doesn't help that a friend of mine is obsessed with working out and is huge and calls my biceps "small potatoes" next to his!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try switching up your routine!. Maybe something new and exciting will get you back on track!. Sign up and do some rock climbing, take some boxing or kickboxing classes, martial arts (i know guys arent into classes, but there really are some hardcore ones out there!.!. At my kickboxing class we flip huge tractor tires, drag them around a parking lot, etc!.) Go for a hike in the woods and find a nice spot to sit and relax and clear your head!.

I get depressed sometimes too, and I find that working out actually helps with it a bit!.!.!.especially when it comes time to beat the sh*t out of a punching bag, but thats just me lol

Maybe you just need to talk to something, get some things off your chest, get some advice, etc!. Feel free to email me or whatever, if you want!. I sit at work on a computer all day lol

!.!.!.and your small potatoes are lookin pretty sexy either way ;-)Www@Answer-Health@Com

All the time! I've learn to except those slumps because when you're not into your workout its really a waste of your time cuz you're doin a half a$$ workout!. Instead of forcing yourself to go to the gym take time to relax and rest especially if you're really busy and not getting enough sleep!.After your body gets some rest you'll get your motivation back and will make up for the lost time!. I know it can get depressing when you look at your body and its not in the shape you expect it be but your body does need rest!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Firstly, work out next to someone who doesnt make you feel like that

Second, depression has a major effect on you!. I was in great shape last year, until various things went a bit wrong and just stopped trying!. Its now really difficult to get back into the swing of things!.

Sort your head out, maintain a healthy lifestyle (without working out) then when you're ready, get back to it

I know you're single right now, perhaps concentrate on sorting that out, and your happiness will give you that extra kick to get back to the gym

As always, anything you wanna offload!.!.!.!.!.!. do it here/email!.


Try to get someone to work out with you, that works for me!. You are on the same level and have the same goal for fitness!. And he/she also has the same time for exercise as you are!.

I am depressed as well, so now, instead of going to the gym, I just do some home training!. It is really nice, because I have a webcam and can see myself exercising on the monitor!.

Especially when I went to Yahoo! Chat and showing my webcam while I'm doing some exercise!. It builds up my motivation when they tease or make compliments!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think all I can advise is what works for me - set a regular time to work out each day and stick to it!. To me it is like going to the dentist!. Not something I look forward to particularly, but I know when I'm done, I'll feel a lot better!.

I might also encourage you to find a more positive work-out partner, someone who can help you stay motivated!.

Good luck!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I found this awesome website and you can find more information,about your question,
Take your time to visit ,I hope this helps!

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Hunnybun, don't compare yourself to others, it will only make you doubt your abilities!. (Is that you in your avatar!? OK I know looks are not everything, but you DO have a mega HOT bod!)!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Get a friend and work out together!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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