How can you loose weight without using dieting products???!

Question: How can you loose weight without using dieting products!?!?!?
I want 2 loose weight but i dont want 2 use diet pillsWww@Answer-Health@Com

Here are some tips on how you can lose those unwanted pounds the healthy way:

1!. Do not starve your self!.

The key to a healthier way of losing weight is: Do not diet!.

You may seem happy and feel that you are losing those unwanted flabs on your belly and thighs by skipping meals!. But remember that this would not last long!. Your body cannot tolerate having insufficient food to fuel the energy that you use up everyday!.

If you get used to skipping one or two meals a day, your stored calories will be used up instead of the energy that should have been provided by your meals!. So if you just eat one huge sandwich in one day, it will end up straight to your problem area (i!.e!. highs, buttocks, hips)!.

2!. Start your day right!.

Mothers always say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day!. Have a healthy meal in the morning to jump-start your metabolism!.

Your food intake after you wake up will be used to burn fat all day long!.

3!. Eat small, healthy meals frequently!.

Five small-serving snacks per day is better than three hearty meals!. Eating more frequently, and in small servings, can prevent over-eating!. This will also increase your metabolism and make calories burn faster!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

try to follow the no white sugar no white flour rule Mostly protein veggies and some fruit!. alot of small meals to keep your metabolism goingWww@Answer-Health@Com

Sorry, but the only way to lose weight is to spend money on magic pills!. there is no other way!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try exercise and changing your eating habits!. It will work much better than some "quick fix" pills!. Good Luck!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

eat healthy and exercise!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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