Eating a small amount of food a day?? important!!

Question: Eating a small amount of food a day!?!? important!
my cousin, (who is not fat at all in my opinion! she weighs 130 and is 5'3) wants to lose a lot of weight so she can pull off the "scene" look properly!. so she, and also I, was wondering what the negative side effects of eating a handful or less of food a day would be!. for example, any hair, teeth, skin damage!? thanks a lot!Www@Answer-Health@Com

bad skin, acne, bad breath,posibke loss of hair, teeth gets damaged, high health problems, also when you go back to eating normal again you can gain huge amounts of weight more than normal, e!.g
whenyou eating normalsay from10grams of fat your body uses 5 grams for energy and the rest is stored for later, usually to stay slim or go slimmer you have to work off the full ten grams or more!. So you have 5 grams left and now you dont eat anything or less say 2 grams, 5 grams get used for enerygy you have 2grams left,you will feel weak and generally ****, the you east another 2 grams then body uses 5 so now minus 1 you lose wieght!. now your body knows something is wrong!. so when you come to eat again,it willthinkshit no food for a while and if you eat 10 grams instead of burning 5 it will only burn 3-4 grams and store 6-7 grams so you get fat fast and need more food as it is not giving you enoughenergy tosurvive but turning to fat faster!.

note the numbers above are exampleyou have towork it out of what you willreally eat and the gramsin itWww@Answer-Health@Com

Depends on how old you are!. If you are malnourished, here are the side effects:
Straw-like hair, brittle nails, irritability, bones weakening, teeth falling out, fainting, paleness, etc!. Also, sleepiness, which can cause poor grades and fight with friends and family!.
If you're between the ages of about 12 and 17, remember that you are also in your formative years!. Even if you only stop eating for a few years, right now your body is trying to grow taller, as well as developing hips and breasts!. (Men are building muscle tone)
If your body is using every calorie it can get to simply keep you alive (and you will die after a few months of this, if you can keep it up) you will look like a pre-teen for the rest of your life!.
You can get skinny while still eating food!. A handful or less will skip Scene and go straight for Concentration Camp!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well I don't know what he could do to you, BUT I do know that eating less food per day has a negative effect on trying to lose weight!. You don't really lose weigh in a good way using that method!. The best way to do that is to eat in moderations!. Meaning little portions of food throughout the day oppose to eating meals here and there!. Plus you would be starving your body of nutrients that do damage your appearance in terms of hair nails skin teeth etc!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If on average you are eating 2000 calories a day, you are maintaining your body!. So if you were to cut 500 calories out of that a day, and only eat 1500, you will burn up to a pound a week!. Thats pretty much the only healthy way to do it that I have found!. Just try to cut out snacks and saturated fats!. You should be good then!.

Take care and good luck!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

There would be alot of damage!. Try this instead :

Breakfast: Yogurt!.
Lunch: Salad!.
Dinner: Chicken with veg!.
Snacks: Fruit!.

Only drink water and run for 30 minutes a day!. With this you will lose the weight quickly but heathily!.

Hope i could help ?Www@Answer-Health@Com

you should always eat square meals at the least!. if you portion your food/diet, and exercise you should loose weight just fine!. if you only eat a handful of food a day, your body could actually gain more weight!. i don't know how it works but it does!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well!. its not good at all for you!. you would most likely get fatter from it!. because you are not eating your body goes into preservation mode and stores everything as fat!. just get the right food and exceriseWww@Answer-Health@Com

Brittle hair, ridged nails, dull skin, more importantly your brain runs on fat!. You would probably have trouble in school, stuff like that!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You can damage your natural metabolism!. What you are planning is not healthy!. What is the "scene" look!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It would be way better if you two got bikes and rode them around town!. That is good exercise and looks pretty scene! That way you don't have to starve yourself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

who gives a ****


You would be hungry all the time!.!.!.and that would suck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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