Can't seem to bulk up?!


Can't seem to bulk up?

I've been trying for a few months now and I can't seem to bulk up.

Just trying to get more arm muscles.

I'm 17, 5'10", about 140lbs.

My arms are pretty tiny, even after lifting weights.

Any advice? Workout schedules? Anything is appreciated.



I was a thin teenager also and after years and years of working out this is the routine I use on my arms. Before that, some other advice is to make sure your muscles have enough recovery time between lifting days to get their maximum potential, which is about 6 days plus or minus one for different individuals. And to supply your muscles with about 20-30 grams of protein within 45 minutes after your workout. Since your looking to bulk up it couldn't hurt to take some amino acid and glut-amine to help you recover. Anyways the routine I is use is this: tricep-pull downs, skull-crushers, tricep extensions, kickbacks, rep-out on tricep-extensions again. Then I do biceps: standing curls, isolated hammer curls, incline dumbbell curl super set with decline dumbbell curl, cable curls, 21's, and a rep-out standing curls again. Then I hit forearms: reverse grip curls, forearm curls, reverse forearm curls, and some kind of squeeze/grip exercise. Go heavy on everything but the rep-outs to add mass use heavy weights less reps. You can adapt any routine that works for you, just concentrate on your form and breathing. Good luck.

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