Will this help me get abs?!

Question: Will this help me get abs!?
i need to loose belly fat and lower my body fat percentage to see my abs im at 15 percent body fat now and need to get to 10 percent body fat at least
if all my meals ( 4-6 small meals) consist of a lean meat like chicken or turkey and vegtables like yellow squash, zuchini, red peppers and pea pods
if all my meal consits of that and i exercise
lift weighs 2 days a week and jumprope 15-20 minutes straight 3-4 days a week will it help me get abs along with ab work 1-2 days a weekWww@Answer-Health@Com

yea that will work!. switch up the ab exercizes you do, your abs will get used to do the same exercizes in the same order and will not get reults as fast as you woulld if you switched up the exercizes!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you need cardio to burn off the fat!. you should be able to see your abs already at 10% body fat ( i think you start to see them around 14%)!.

meals sound good!. I would do a bit more cardio!. (like 30-40 minutes rather than 15-20)

also!.!.!.do more ab workouts and not just sit ups!. do the sides to !. you can find stuff online about it!. your abs and the surrounding muscles repair themselve really quickly!. You can exercise them more that 2 times a week!. I'd do every other day!.

good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

Sounds like you're doing everything right! Take in a lot of water, this will help shed any water weight you have as that can make your midsection look pufffy!. And make sure your ab routine has lots of different exercises to get all parts of your abs!. You'll be ripped in no time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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