Question about working a bit long but please i jus need to know what i !

Question: Question about working out!.!.!.it a bit long but please i jus need to know what i should improve!.!?
im not seeing great results i mean i have 120g-150g of protein a day at least i workout upper body 3x a week i do
lat pull downs, bench presses, and sitting pull downs, butterfly's, and 100 push ups for chest and back (each exercise i do 4 reps and 10 per rep and i do 100 push ups)
then bicept and tricepts i do 20lb curls (3 sets of ten each arm)
pull ups (4 sets of 10) and dips (4 sets of 20)
then the day after i do lower body w/ legs and abs plus cardio!.!.!.is this bad i mean idk should i do all these things in one day or add more to my upper body workout jus need advice on what i should CHANGE!. please help :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, first of all here's a much better schedule for you:

Monday: Deltoids, Triceps
Tuesday: Back, Traps
Wednesday: Cardio and abs
Thursday: Legs, Forearms
Friday: Chest, Biceps
Saturday: Cardio and abs
Sunday: Cardio and abs

In addition to this you should be eating a very healthy, clean diet!. I don't know how much you weight, so I don't know if that is a sufficient amount of protein!. You should be eating a gram of protein per pound of your weight!.

Finally, get 7-8 hours of sleep!. I'm sure you'll see better results in a month or two!.

A great website to see good exercises for your muscles, and how to do them properly is:


EDIT: Deltoids are your shoulders, traps is your trapezius, located near the back and shoulders area and extending to your neck, you can see what I mean on the website I gave you!.

You shouldn't just be doing one type of exercise for a muscle, so a good workout should last 40 minutes to an hour if you are doing a good amount of exercises!. What I mean by not doing just one exercise per muscle is, for example, if you were working out biceps you shouldn't just do bicep curls!. You should do 3 sets of 8 bicep curls, 3 sets of 8 hammer curls, and 3 sets of 8 concentration curls!.

Another reason you may not see results is that you must make sure your weight is heavy enough that you can not lift it more than 8-10 times at once!.

Also, for the exercises I gave you, do them in the order I gave you, like on Monday, first do deltoids THEN triceps!. I gave them in that order because it will be beneficial to your efficiency when you workout!.

Best of luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

It seems that you are working out way too much!. In fact, the more you do, the less your body will give you the results you need!. Have you ever heard the term, "Less is more"!? Working out less will actually force your body into fat burning mode, while building muscle mass!.!.!.

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