What's better, biking or running?!

Question: What's better, biking or running!?
For cardio!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Both things are good, there's no need to choose just one form of cardio, the same goes for the way you do cardio, you don't have to train with a steady pace, you can and should also do interval training, it's more effective for fat burning!. For me there's only one big difference between biking and running, biking will make your muscles grow more than they would if you'd run!. Your legs will be bigger if you choose biking over running!. If that is not a problem to you fine!. My best advice to you is, do both if you enjoy both, and do other forms of cardio too if you like them, like rope jumping or swimming!. Have fun, it's the best way!.

If you want to read more about exercising, you can visit my site at: http://fitnessfatburning!.comWww@Answer-Health@Com

Running is definitely better if you just started with exercise!. It beats biking for 2 reasons: you can run anywhere anytime, and you can control the extent of your running!. Whereas, you can only ride a bike in the park or in a suburb where there are no cars or pedestrians!. If you are not a fit person, you will find it difficult to ride a bike for extended periods whereas running gives you more flexible exercises!. Switching between walking and running is actually good for the heart!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Both of them are really good for cardio!. One thing I noticed, I get more toned upper and lower body with running (other than cardio advantage)!.

With biking, I get more toned mid-section and lower body, especially with cross-country or uphill course!.

It all depends on what kind of result you're after!. Running, on average, is cheaper than biking!. Right now, i'm in Off-Road biking mania!. For me, biking allow me to cover more distance than running and I can enjoy more views!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

biking is better on your joints and has far less injury risk!. If you're just starting out trying biking for awhile, then move on to running as your muscles and joints get used to additional strain!. If you start ou trunning right away, there's a good chance that with in a couple of months you'll develop shin splints, knee problems, etc!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Running is often a harder workout, but biking is lower impact, which is helpful if your knees are weaker, because there is less stress put onto them!. It also might be easier to build endurance while biking!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Both are good for cardio!. Running is harder on your joints, but biking burns less calories!. To build up endurance, you would have to ride for longer periods of time than you would have to run!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

They are both great!. Generally running is more efficient for cardio but if you bike uphill it's great too!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If your lazy I would say biking, but personally, since I run track, I think running is!. My Mom says biking is though, and she's really smart so!.!.!.!. !?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think running is, but you should go back and forth between biking and running, that way you don't hit the "wall"Www@Answer-Health@Com

Biking!. You can do it twice as long and it is good or better for leg than running!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Running, it is less dangerous than biking!. There have been two deaths in Raleigh,NC due to people being struck by cars!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i think biking, becasuse u have to actually go up and down w/ ur legsWww@Answer-Health@Com

idk but i love to bike and it can be really good 4 u but i am not sure wut one iz BETTER maybe u could find an answer on the web!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

biking is better for u if your older than like 25 but if your younger just run!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

running after the bikeWww@Answer-Health@Com

Both are okay!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

idk bothWww@Answer-Health@Com

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