Calling all patient people, long-winded question here...?!


Calling all patient people, long-winded question here...?

I like to call myself a recovered anorexic, because I am now a healthy weight, but now I'm not so sure. I'm 15, and I maintain my weight by making sure I eat the EXACT same amount of food every day. I do this because I'm sick of my weight going up and down like a yo-yo, so if I gain so much as an ounce, I'll
eat slightly less the next day untill my weight goes back down. Is this a healthy way to eat for a growing girl? I worry that anorexia may have slowed mmy metabolism down, and instead of gaining weight I've had to lower my food intake to match it, which may prevent me on catching up on growth I may have lost from my eating disorder.

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2 weeks ago
What the **** is up with the music?

2 weeks ago
Sorry about the detail's above ^ ^ , I pasted the wrong thing.


Sweetie, you shouldn't be slave of your eating habits. That is not how it's supposed to be for a young girl likeyourself. You have to remember this, as wonderful as it is you recovered your health and your control over food, there are still behaviour patterns in us that must be overcome so you can lead a healthy, happy life.
Choose healthy foods, always. Fruit, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains .... but don't get overly conscious. What i mean is, if you go out with your friends and eat pizza or nachos, hey! that is normal teenager's food, that you can have once in a blue moon. Having weight fluctuations is also normal. Give yourself a 5 pound limit, let your body get adjusted to eating normal. If you gain a little, move more. But don't make strict-food controlling a habit, you might tamper your development.

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