When i pig out I...?!


When i pig out I...?

do it on sultana bran or fruit, i no that is stupid but is that better than pigging out on bad stuff? like the sultana bran is a lot of carbs? maybe i am just beating myself up as i have suffered from an eating disorder and my brain is still in that mode...

is cereal ok to pig out on?



'Too much' or 'too little' of any food is 'bad'.

A beneficial diet is BALANCED. The idea of 'too much' is relative. You can only eat 'too much of anything by eating 'too little' of everything else.

That's because your body has a very sophisticated system for selecting beneficial nutrients (little 'villi', like fingers sticking out of your intestine wall, rummage around in the food you ate, looking for the nutrients your body needs), and rejecting the rest (you sh1t out most of what you eat; it's not absorbed into your body).

Competitive Bodybuilders and Cyclists usually eat between 5000 and 8000 Calories a day. That's physically very difficult to do. They aren't overeating. Both sports require very low bodyfat levels, and this is achieved by doing a huge amount of activity, so huge amounts of energy are needed to fuel it.

Non-athletes need activity, too. It helps to regulate many of the body's chemical processes, and if you don't do enough of it (or you alternate between exhaustion and frantic workouts) your body will be confused.

Getting a good balance of energy AND the other nutrients (proteins, vitamins, minerals) is the first step towards getting enough activity to improve your health. The urge to 'pig out' is just your body's way of getting you fuelled up. Next, you need to use the energy (NOT by working yourself to a frazzle, so that you end up tired and hungry, but by being constantly and gently active) in a constructive way.

(After allowing a suitable interval for digestion.)

Bran and fruit are both very healthy in an appropriate balance, but they will speed up your gut transit (a lot of fibre makes you sh1t a lot) if you eat too much of them. This can leave you short of some nutrients, by 'rushing' everything past your intestinal villi too quickly for them to pick out the good stuff.

Try to pig out on different foods every day. Adding vegetables (especially brassicas), oats and freshly sprouting beans to the pigout rota, might be beneficial.

Get a bike, and get on it more.

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