I am 12 and weight like 150 pounds and am 5 feet how do i loose some weight?!

Question: I am 12 and weight like 150 pounds and am 5 feet how do i loose some weight!?
I really dont like my weight people make fun of me!. Please helpWww@Answer-Health@Com

first of all, when people make fun of you, remember that after a diet u will look way better then them!! second you need to measure your food and count calories and do light workouts!. Aim for 1500 calories a day!. You will do great!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Watch what you eat!. Eat whole foods, food without added sugar!. No soda pop!. Drink plenty of water!. Eat a balance meal, vegetables, fruits, whole grains and small amount of meat!. Learn what a serving size is!. How much is a 1/2 cup of cereal!? read labels and try measuring out food until you can eye ball and know the right proportion to eat!.
Exercise--- walk as much as possible!. turn on your favorite CD and dance!. get out and play with friends and family!. ride your bike, play basketball, kickball just get out and move your body!.
Talk to your mom and dad they will understand and hopefully they can help you make healthily food choices and help get you moving so you can become a healthy and fit young person good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well if you feel confertable with yourself thats ok but if you dont try to eat a healthy diet!. exersize AT LEAST 45 minutes a day and feel confident in yourselfWww@Answer-Health@Com

run 20mn a day, 30 push ups a day , ,jump rope 50mn
I am 12 and i way 70 poundsWww@Answer-Health@Com

Hey, this is an answer I posted for another person!. I will post it for you as well with a special heading!.

1st off, you need to get your parents to help you count calories and exercise!. If they are unwilling to help you, then be careful when trying to lose weight because you are young and can really damage your body!.

2nd Don't let other people tear you down!. If your parents gave you proper portions of food and taught you to exercise at an early age, you would not have this issue!. I commend you for asking for assistance!.

Here is the post I was telling you about!.

If you want to lose weight, it should not just be a summertime attempt!. I can see that you are paying attention to some of the things that you do on a daily basis, but are you covering the basics for weight loss!?

You need to pay attention to what you eat, when you eat it, and how many calories you are totaling every day!. To lose weight, you can eat 1300-1500 calories a day!. But, to make this most effective, you need to couple it with exercise!. Get your heart rate above 120bpm for a period of 20+ minutes 4 times a week!.

Because you sound as if you are overweight (double chin), I would guess that you have a heart rate that is well above "normal!." That being said, you should speak with your doctor to find an appropriate heart rate for someone as out of shape as you!. You may need to be above 120bpm because your resting heart rate may be close to that already!.

Moving back to the calories!. You need to sit down with the food that you have in your pantry, find out appropriate serving sizes, calories, etc!. ACTUALLY measure out the servings in a measuring cup! You must do this every day!. Do NOT wing it! You have to count calories properly!. It is a pain, but it has to be done!.

Chances are that if you are trying a diet right now, you have tried and failed before!. Most people will NEVER successfully lose weight!. Is it a problem of willpower!? Yes and no!. There are biological reasons for people who do not lose weight (thyroid), but that does not mean they can't prevent morbid obesity!. When there is an excuse to not do the work, it makes becoming "okay" with obesity easier, and that is a major issue right now!. But, for you, if you are serious -- you should work hard and exercise constantly!. Believe me, exercise is fun if you do it enough!. It no longer becomes "work," but rather, enjoyable!. Pick up an MP3 player and jam out while you speed-walk, run, swim, etc!.

Also, if anyone has ever told you that they have a slow metabolism and that is the reason they can't lose weight, they are 100percent DEAD wrong!. The metabolism consists of many of the body's functions!. With a sedentary lifestyle, the metabolism and processing system in your body becomes slower!. That does not mean a person could not get their younger metabolism back!. Cardiovascular exercise coupled with appropriate eating will speed up the metabolic process!. After a couple of years of being healthy and exercising, you will notice that weight stays off if you miss a day or 5 of exercise or you cheat on your diet!.

I kid you not -- the only way that you can take weight off and KEEP it off is with exercise!. If a person does not do the work, a diet alone will not take off that weight!. They will lose some, level off, not lose anymore, cheat on their diet, gain it all back again!. Exercise prevents your weight from leveling off even though you have the proper diet!.

Please do the cardio with your diet!. You will lose!. Stick with it!. You will see the most amazing results if you do not get discouraged!. Take a pic of yourself tonight, put it on your bathroom mirror!. Exercise and eat right and take a new picture every 2 months and put it next to that one!. Watch your weight and shape change!. You will love it, and you will love yourself!.

Oh, and do not starve yourself, that will slow your metabolism (body tries to conserve food if you starve yourself)!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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