Need help gainging muscles?!

Question: Need help gainging muscles!?
im sick of girls exspecially cute ones tell ing me im skinny i need help gaining muscles!.!.!.i
how do i gain some muscles!.!.!.!.im doing a couple pushup here and there but thats itWww@Answer-Health@Com

Eating lots of protein like eggs,lean meat,protein drinks,!.!.!. to feed the muscle!. Strength training at the gym will do the trick!. It will take a few weeks to see results but it will happen!. Do 12-15 reps 3x somedays and other days lift heavier at 8-10 reps 3x !. Work on abs everyday!. Work on shoulder-back one day,have a leg day,and an arm day and rotate through the week!. Watch ,ask questions on how to lift at the gym!. There are many websites on weight training as well!. Push-ups,sit-ups,jump-roping and cardio!. exercises are great too!Remember to feed the muscle with lots of protein!!!!!!!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

1) eat big to get big!. Buy a reputable protein shake mix with carbohydrates mixed in!. such as 'CNP mass builder' (Brilliant stuff) Keep drinking it all you can!. eat 3 big meals a day, with 3 shakes in between!.

2) Join a serious weights gym!. If you're skinny (like i used to be) dont waste time on a gym with lots of shiny running machines etc!. you want to join a gym that has dumb bells, a good olympic bar bell, a bench press, and a squat rack!.

3) Dont waste money on personal trainers!. I was one, so i should know!. Get a friend who feels the same, and train together!. when you cant be bothered to go to the gym that day, its not a personal trainer who will make you go, its your friend bugging you on the phone who will drag you there!.

4) Best exercises to gain bulk are!. Bench press, Squats (Not only do legs which are arguably the most importan group of muscle to get big, but they also build a strong core), DeadLift, and Clean and hangs!. *Now you see why you need a bar bell* training 3-4 times a week with these key exercises you will soon notice big mass gains and definition comes from using the dumbells to round off the exercise!.

5) be patient!. i was 6ft3, 12 stone (168 lbs to the yanks) when i was 16 and felt the same as you!. If you're serious about getting big, it can be done!. Now im 20, been training for sports, and have gotten up to 14 (around 198lbs) You're gonna get tempted by steroids, and you're gonna buy rubbish supplements like all of us who stay natural, but muscle doesnt come over night!. stick with it mate and it will come, and good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

Join a gym and ask a trainer to help put a program together for you to bulk up or buy some dumb bells and get a book out the library to show you the right exercises to get bigger muscles!. Also eat plenty of lean protein!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

get a personal trainer!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

try doing squats to get more muslce in your thighs and legsWww@Answer-Health@Com

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