I am over weight and need help?!

Question: I am over weight and need help!?
I am 15 years old at about 5'7 and at about 175 pounds!. I have started going to the gym the past 2-3 weeks for about 3-4 days a week!. Exercising is not really my problem though, it is eating!. I mainly eat because I am bored and I am bored because I am stuck at my house with nothing to do because both of my parents work all the time!. The past 2 days I have tried to eat only when i was hungry, but I never know when I am hungry!. So i quickly went back into my bad habit of eating because of being bored and eating because I think I am hungry when I am really not!. Can some1 please help me with my eating problem!? (I am really tired of being over weight and want to just lose the extra fat!. Each year goes by and i say i am going to do something but i don't and just gain more weight with each passing year)!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Food- Always eat breakfast!. Yes, I know getting up a bit earlier to consume the first meal of the day is sometimes hard, but it is necessary!. I would suggest egg beaters and a piece of fruit (preferrably a banana to give you necessary protein)!. Drink water!. They say if you drink water in the morning it gets your brain working a lot better!. Juices and milk have a lot of sugar, so you definitely don't want to drink your calorie intake for the day!.
For lunch I would suggest a turkey (low sodium) wrap!. Walmart has these really good wraps that are fat free!. Put a little bit of lettuce and tomato on the wrap and you're ready to go!. If you want some extra flavoring, add a pinch of pepper!. Drink water again because our body needs A LOT of water everyday!. Plus, if you drink water throughout the day, the less snack urges you will get!. It's not smart to snack- adds extra calories!. If you're dying to eat drink water and crew on a piece of Stride or Orbit gum!. Long lasting and good tasting! Sometimes hunger can be mistaken for thirst! So keep that in mind!.
For dinner I would suggest chicken varieties or fish!. Stay away from a lot of red meat!. Red meat contains a lot of sodium and fat!. You don't want a lot of sodium and sugar in your diet!. Eat veggies and perhaps a small amount of brown rice!. Use butter spray (it's fat free)!. Parkay makes the best tasting! It really does taste like butter!!!
For a snack at night if you're still hungry try fat free/sugar free jello or pudding!. Popcorn is also a really good choice!. Low fat (94% fat free) is sold at Walmart or you can even get the corn and pop it yourself!. Add some butter spray and you're in business!. Don't add extra salt though!
Don't eat past 7PM if possible!. Late night eating is really bad for you!

Exercise- Try running, walking fast, parking far away so you can get that extra distance in, sit-ups (increase how many you do EVERY night), push-ups, walks, sports/biking, swimming, Wii fit (ha), dancing!.!.!.Basically any way to stay active! Always be on the move!. When sitting watching tv move your legs to keep moving and burning those calories!. Stair stepping is also good!. If you live relatively close to a studium, go to there and run the stairs!.

Remember- With a healthy diet and staying active, you'll lose weght without a problem! Good luck! :) BTW- the green tea tip is great! It speeds up your metabolism A LOT and is a very healthy drink for you! Don't add sugar, perhaps a small amount of Splenda (not even the whole packet- you don't need it, it'll be sweet with only a drop of it)!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

find another hobby or eat carrot sticks!.

i had a friend who got tired of their kid eating and gaining weight!. so he bought only peanut butter and bread and said that if his son wanted any other food, he would have to work and buy it himself!. he got his son's weight under control in no time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it's hard to not eat when you're bored!.!.!.I am guilty of that too and I hate it!. Yeah I would recommend like buying carrot sticks or other types of fruits so that you can snack on those!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

get addicted to something
like a hobby or chatting with friends

don't stay in the house too much

get a part-time job

do the garden

drink lots of water instead of eating ^_^Www@Answer-Health@Com

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