How do I keep burning fat after exercise?!

Question: How do I keep burning fat after exercise!?
How do I continue to burn fat after exercise!?

I have a reasonable level of fitness but really want to lose weight and body fat - I have a BMI of 35 which has terrified me
People talk about aerobic vs anaerobic and interval vs endurance training but I'm not even sure what they mean - I know I need to do different stuff but how do I get my metabolism UP and continue burning fat after I stop exercising (or is that a myth!?)

Simple!.!.!.try these three things (and NO, it's not a myth)!.
1!. Resistance training (i!.e!. lifting weights, circuit training, manual resistance, etc!.)!. Resistance training burns fat up to 24 hrs after workout (unlike cardio alone - only up to 1 hr)!. Also, lean muscle increases your metabolism
2!. Eat ~6 small meals/day!. The more frequently you eat, the fast your metabolism becomes!. This is because your body doesn't have a chance to go into 'starvation' mode and store fat!.
3!. 'Interval' training or simply put!.!.!.do sprint repeats!. It's starting to get warm enough to do these outside so that's good!. Jog to warm up (~1/2 mile)!. Then do 8 sets of repeat sprints (start with ~100m and gradually move up to ~200m as you get in better shape)!. Basically you sprint all out, then slow jog (really slow) back!. Repeat 8 times!. The first one you want to go only ~3/4 speed since your body will still be warming up!. Make sure you stretch afterwards as your hamstrings will be sore the next day (especially after the first time)!. This shocks your body more and is better than just jogging a few miles!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The way to extend the burn of calories requires that you must create a large enough demand on the body!. This can be done in a number of ways!. One is to lift weights, this doesn't mean heavy weights, this will create more muscle fiber!. Each muscle fiber acts as a little furnace that must be fed!. That is where the caloric burn continues after the exercise!. The more muscle fiber the greater the demand!. When you do an anaerobic exercise you are also creating a demand on the system and that will require the body to continue to work after the activity has stopped!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

After a good workout, your muscles will continue to burn a little energy as you cool down!. Working on lean muscles will help you to burn more fat during and following exercise!. Repetitions with light weights and resistance training will help to create lean muscles!. As for your metabolism, some people jump start their metabolism by exercising early in the morning after a healthy breakfast!. To lose weight, participate in exercises such as running, jogging, swimming, competitive sports, and cycling!. These will cause your body to use more energy, thus burning more fat!. Remember that you need to change your routine ever once in a while so that your body doesn't adjust and you hit a "plateau!."Www@Answer-Health@Com

You should consider a book called The Fast Track One-Day Detox Diet by Ann Louise Gittleman!. It's a helpful book that covers a 11 day detox!.

More importantly in reference to your question, the diet helps rev up your metabolism by cleaning out your toxins from you colon and liver!. When this happens you obvioulsy BURN more calories and the weight stays off!. I can't go into great depth as I'm not as knowledgeable on the subject but the book covers how and why in good length!.

You require your body to function properly to get rid of wasteful toxins, thus enabling you to burn calories more efficiently!. This can be achieved with the help of a diet!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

drink water and green tea and eat lots of leafy greens/veggies and fruits
for exercise lifting weights increases the metabolic rate ( metabolism) the more muscle the less fat you have and the more calories you burn cuae your muscle works with you meatbolism
also, cardio lots and lots of cardio blasts fat off your body and doing do lowers your body fat percentage
so 4-5 days a week do 30-45 minutes of cardio each day
and eat really healthy, no jukn,fried, sugary foods and no soda
lots of cardio, healthy diet and weights will lower your body fat and increase your metabolism/muscle strength
this will increase the metabolic rate so while after your done exercising and watching tv or something you will continue to burn calories for anywhere from 3-16 hours laterWww@Answer-Health@Com

To speed up your Metabolism you need to change how much / how often you eat!.!. Eat smaller portions, more times a day!. I eat breakfast at 8am snack at 11am lunch 1pm snack 3pm dinner 5pm and sometimes another snack around 7pm!. Remember all these are SMALL meals, which will kick your metabolism up!. Also I read the other day that drinking a glass of water when you first wake up increases your metabolism by 20% or something for like 2 hours!.!. You can burn fat after you stopped exercising!. but you need muscle!. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn just sitting around doing nothing!.!. I am not sure of the exact numbers, but I think you need like 30lbs of muslce to burn a pound of fat a week (I think)!.!. Also I recoment www!.shapefit!.com, they have a ton of recipes, and workouts for you to look at!.!. It's like myspace for losing weightWww@Answer-Health@Com

Firstly, BMI is a horrible indicator, don't use it :)
Secondly, I do not think you can increase metabolism, it actually decreases with age!. If you want to burn fat after exercising, there are ways!. Hitting a sauna does do partial justice!. But just really watch what you eat!. It's exercising that burns fat but it's how you eat that increases it back up!. Hope it helpsWww@Answer-Health@Com

Yoga is a great cardio workout!. It helps burn fat too!. The best thing you can do is STRECH!!! Limber up those muscles to help fight the fat! When you work out, do you become short of breath!?!? I have a friend who is studying nutrition to be a personal trainer!. He said that if you work out to the point where you are out of breath, your body stops burning to suppliment the oxygen loss!.!.!.so work out steady and breath correctly!. As long as you eat right too with exercise, your body should keep burning!. Good Luck ^_^Www@Answer-Health@Com

Intense exercise done for a short duration will maintain a higher metabolism for up to 24 hours (in some cases 48)!. Weight training hard enough or interval cardio training will do it!.

Another way is to exercise twice a day, morning and evening, to maintain a high metabolism!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hey, I found two interesting articles for you!. One is about raising your metabo!.!.!.alot of good info!. The other is about aerrobic vs anaerobic!. I hope this helps! :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

i dont know exatcly what r u talking about but the best thing to doo is run or walk more than 30min because if you run 20 dosent burn any fat ! the fat always start burnig after 30 min ! and remember dont stopp ! and eat healthyWww@Answer-Health@Com

weight training keeps the body burning fat even after the workout where as cardio is excellent but it burns mostly during the work outWww@Answer-Health@Com

Well, I think that eating protien helps gain muscle after you exersise, which helps burn fat!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

keep exercising, try fastingWww@Answer-Health@Com

Bunsen burnerWww@Answer-Health@Com

a butante torch works like MAGIC*
the fat will literally drip off the bone!. guaranteed!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I do not knowWww@Answer-Health@Com

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