Should i work out everyday or every other day?!

Question: Should i work out everyday or every other day!?
hey its me again im trying to gain some muscles by doing 300 push ups +sit ups everyday and 10 minutes of jogging which is about 1 mile and a few yards my question is should i continue to do this everyday or do it every other day!? cause my friend told me that the body needs a day to rest!. if i did do this everyday would i still be able to jog everyday or every other day!? Can you guys schedule this out for me im lost!.!.!. im a 14 year old guy 5!.6 120 pounds my muscles are almost their and i'm on a good diet right nowWww@Answer-Health@Com

Using your own body weight is a very good way to work out!. At 14 years old, your bones have not finished fusing at the ends and doing very heavy weights could be harmful!. You can do cardio everyday which is good for your heart but it seems you don't have any weight to lose so 3- 4 days of cardio per week would be healthy without risking too much weight loss!. It is true that you need to give your muscles a day of rest between weight lifting sessions if you are lifting heavier weights!. The best is to split your routine so that for example you work upper body one day and then lower the next!. This will give you the best results!. I suggest you go to a gym or 'Y' and speak with a trainer!. Even in one session they can train you how to use free weights properly and gradully increase the weight as you get stronger so that you don't get injured!. Using free weight, you also work your tendons and ligaments to stabilize your joints!. This is much more functional and will cause less injury in the long run!. Men's Health Magazine is a great resource for exercises, nutritional information and everything you need to know about working out!. And cheaper than a trainer!Www@Answer-Health@Com

you can workout everyday!.
just dont work out the same muscle everyday!.
have a rotation!.
like upper body one day
and lower body the next day!.

you have to give your muscles time to heal!.
be sure to have a healthy amount of protein intake!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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