A question about laxatives and weightloss?!

Question: A question about laxatives and weightloss!?
Hello! I took some laxative tea last night, and today, i lost 2 pounds and 2 inches off my waist! I do realize that this is only temporary, but how long will it take before i get the 2 pounds back if im not eating!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

When you take a laxative you lose body fluids, that means you get dehydrated!. As soon as your body get the lost liquid your weight will be the same!. If you want to lose weight you have to go on a diet!. There is not other way to do it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don't do it! That's terrible for you and also how people get eating disorders!. Work it off naturally and watch what you eat!. Eat balanced meals and drink lots of water!. You can take B vitamins to speed up your metabolism!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Till you drink water, laxatives only make you weigh less because they dehydrate you!. If you eat low cal foods and keep about 1200 calories a day you will actually lose a lot more weight than trying to not eat at all!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

umm!.!.!.just lemme say this!.!.!.!.EEW!
stop eatin so much freakin cheese! if u stop hunn, u wont be so constipated!. eew! who wants to hear about your poop, or trouble with pooping!? YUCK! not me!

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