If i just drink water can i loose weight that way?!

Question: If i just drink water can i loose weight that way!?
how many pounds would i loose that wayWww@Answer-Health@Com

You will still need to eat!. Just watch what you eat!. By cutting all drinks out of your diet besides water you will drop some weight!. Just remember you have to eat to survive!Www@Answer-Health@Com

No and its a serious health risk! as over dosing on water flushes all your vitamins out!.

Around 2 lrts, or 4 pints a day, unless you exercise or live in a hot climate which then you should be drinking around 40% more!.

If you want to lose weight (first consult your doctor) then reduce you daily intake and avoid to much simple carbs such as!.!.

white rice

Around 30% a day including complex carbs such as brown bread,


the rest veg and fruit and meats (protiens)!.

Moderate Exercise is the best for burning fat, jogging, swimming , o and chinese green tea is supposed to supress hunger!.

Good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

Water of course is only thing you can drink that will help you to burn calories!.
Just because you drink water it will not make a difference!.
Water doesn't take away your body fat!.
But if you eat healthy and exercise regularly and get atleast eight glasses of water a day, then you shouldn't worry about your weight but drinking water is certainly a vidal aspect to weightloss!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes, but it its very unhealthy for you!! i suggest to loose weight is that u should work out 2 times a ay for at least 45 min each!. or 1 day for about an hour but pace your self!. and also eat 5 small health meals a day and drink lots of cranberry juice and water and sweets or suagar!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

lol, my gf does the same thing, like you drink water but not eat for like a week!. it does work, she lost about 6lbs, but the next week she gained back 12!. its really unhelthy, even if your taking vitamins with it!.
for my sake PWEASE dont start!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

water is the best way to loose weight, it will clean all the stored up fat from your body, make sure you take vitamins, you can /could loose 10-20 pounds in a month if you drink a gallon a dayWww@Answer-Health@Com

well water would make you feel full more if you drink alot of it!.!.and alot even sub-suiting it for all cola and stuff and you would pee alot more depends on your current weight how much you eat a day and your exceriseWww@Answer-Health@Com

Yes you can lose weight but its unhealthy and soon as you eat your body will store it as fat becuase it will be starving!. If you want to lose fat do cardio everyday and eat small portions!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you just drink water and don't eat anything, you'll sure lose weight until you finally die!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you need food to burn calories off!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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