Growth Hormone/Anabolic Steroids?!

Question: Growth Hormone/Anabolic Steroids!?
Why would a marathon runner be unlikely to take growth hormone or anabolic steroids!?

Wouldn't they want to!? To retain fluids in their muscles/less dehydration!? Or would it be because more muscle mass!.!. more mass to run with, slower time, etc!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Gday Jessica,

I THINK the reason they use neither is because they don't need to really!.

It's different when you're talking about a sprinter for example, who needs explosive power at the start and so needs great leg muscle for that - they WILL use Jintropin (HGH) and steroid cycles along with plyometric and weight training!.

However, distance and endurance runners are extremely lean as a rule - this makes them more efficient because they're less bulky than the muscle-bound sprinters!.

It's a really good question you ask actually! Hope this helps!?


Nathan Hague

Athletes who use steroids have only one purpose - to cheat!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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