Targeted weight loss/toning - why do people say it is a myth?!

Question: Targeted weight loss/toning - why do people say it is a myth!?
It's funny because when I do sit ups I see muscle in my stomach not my arms ^_^Www@Answer-Health@Com

There's a difference between making your abdominal muscles work, and spot reduction!.

Spot reduction is the misguided idea that by working a particular set of muscles, the bodyfat on TOP of that muscle will be targeted as well!.

From a physiology standpoint, bodyfat deposits in a genetic pre-determined pattern, and comes off in a similar manner!.

Ever hear women complain about when they diet, their chest shrinks first!?

Notice how the really heavy women at the gym are on the most "target" training programs ever!? Do you see the heavyset women doing things like squats, deadlifts, etc!? Nope!.!. they're wasting their time on things like the adducter/abducter machine (inner/outer thigh), hamstring curls with light weight, and ab work!.

If spot reduction worked, the gym would be LOADED with 6-pack ab bodies!.!. with terribly flabby/weak everything else!.

We can target muscles, we can't target bodyfat!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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