Which is better: working out before or after breakfast?!

Question: Which is better: working out before or after breakfast!?
I ate absolutely awful this last week, seriously, think I gained like 5 pounds! and I need to make up for it! I love running in the morning, but should I eat a light breakfast before working out or after!? Which will burn more calories, and keep my metabolism going, or would it matter!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

work out after breakfast
breakfast jump starts your metabolism
have a breakfast with carbs, protein and a bit fat
a balanced breakfast is very important
don't listen to those who told u to eat only lots of protein for breakfast!!!
u already haven't been eating for the whole night
your body needs to resume energy to start working
if u work out before breakfast,
u will feel weak when doing exercise
also, when u eat your breakfast afterwards,
your body may store fat from your food
becoz u have starved yourself for too long
and u have done exercise so the more your body want to get as much energy as it can

so don't be silly!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Working out boosts your metabolism, so working out and then eating a meal rich in protein (eggs, for example) is best!.

A friend of mine who bodybuilds suggests walking for 30 mins on a 6% incline at 3 mph to get your heartrate at the fat-burning stage!.

Then, go home and eat a protein-rich breakfast!.
Continue eating small, healthy meals all day (morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner)!.
An evening workout with cardio & weights will round out your day and boost that metabolism again to burn calories all night; eating close to bed is ill-advised because your body functions slow down as you sleep, meaning you don't metabolize your food as efficiently!.

So in short, do both!Www@Answer-Health@Com

you need to fuel the body before you work out!. eat a light but healthy breakfast to jump start your metabolism and feed your muscles!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is always better to work out before breakfast!. You will have appendisitis if you work out after breakfast that would cause your appendix to be removed!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes always eat before you work out even if it is a little snack like some carrots or celery sticks!. Drink lots of water!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

before but dont do too intense or too long because your body might decide to cannibilize your musclesWww@Answer-Health@Com

i think working out before eating anything is the bestWww@Answer-Health@Com

Before breakfast is good :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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