Will this help me get fit fast ?!

Question: Will this help me get fit fast !?
Ok, so obviously this is about getting fit!. I don't really care about getting abs or anything, I just want a nice flat stomach!.
So I'm not in a bad condition (not overweight or underweight I'm normal weight) & this isn't about loosing weight!. I just have a little bit of a pudge that I want GONE!
So I was wondering, if I do 150 sit-ups and anothor 50 crunches everyday, how long will it take me to get a nice flat stomach, considering I only have a little bit of a pudge !?
Will this even work !? If not, any other suggestions on how I could get a flat stomach!?
I don't want just a one word / sentence answer!. Write at least a paragraph or so, please!. THANKS !
And btw, here are some pics of how I look right now!. Evaluate your answers based on these pics!.




I'm sorry, but spot training doesn't work!. If you have a layer of fat across your stomach, you need to first do some cardio to lose that fat!. Yes, definitely keep up what your doing thoug, but how about going for a 10 minute run, or 30 minute walk before you do those sit ups!? It will make your muscles warm (which is safer), and you will slowly start to shed that layer of fat!. If you don't do the cardio, you will just continue to build up more muscle underneath that layer of fat, and it won't do anything!.

Hope I helped! Keep up the good work! :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Start with the crunches and sit ups but what I found REALLY flattened my stomach was this

lie on your back, arms over your head holding onto something (I lay on my floor and hold onto my bed)

have your legs on the floor just slightly bent

pull them up (slightly bent) and slowly let them down, not letting them rest on the floor

the pull back up

I do 3 sets of 30 but just start wiht one set!. It works your whole core especially lower abs!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Okay--repeat after me!.!.!.spot reduction DOES NOT WORK!. If you want your abs to pop and get rid of the "pudge", look at your diet!. In order for your abs to show, you need a lean body fat percentage!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

if you just do situps
it wont get rid of fat
it just makes the muscle tighterWww@Answer-Health@Com

Yes what you have said should work, although i think crunches are better!. It shouldn't take that long maybe a couple weeks or less!. I did basically that for 2 months and i now have a 6 pack!. Good Luck i hope you get the results you are looking for!.

P!.S!. It may also help if you add some leg raises or holds!. These are done by laying on your back with your hands under your but or lower back and raising your legs to about a foot and a half off the ground and lowering to the ground but not touching it!. Leg holds are this with out lowering your legs!. I find that these help a lot!.

Also, try some cardio such as running to help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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