How do you know if you're doing too much exercise?!

Question: How do you know if you're doing too much exercise!?
When you stop making progress in your workouts, or even having worse workouts as time goes on!. Usually, this is accompanied by feelings of lethargy, constant fatigue, depression, foggy head, incessant and frequent injuries, etc!.!. Having enough recovery time, adequate healthy nutrition, easing into routines, and taking occasional time off (a week or two every several weeks) will prevent overtraining!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you have to ask you probably aren't doing too much!. Exercise is vague though, it's easy to overdose on weight training, you need to let those muscles recover every other day!. But for cardio as long as there aren't any obvious signs of something being wrong such as passing out or getting muscle cramps you're likely fine!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

In order to determine if you are overtraining, you need to measure you heart rate in the following manner (use of a heart rate monitor works best)!.

1!. Lie still for ~10 minutes while measuring your heart rate!. Your heart rate should remain constant!.

2!. Stand up then measure your heart rate 15 seconds after standing, then again at 90sec and 120 sec!.!.

If you are not overtraining, you heart rate should remain consistent!. If you heart rate begins to steadily increase, chances are, you are overtraining!.

Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

your only suposed to have like maybe a few walks a day and maybe run for like 8 minutes a day or soWww@Answer-Health@Com

when you neglect other things like taking the trash out or paying bills!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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