Is Tuna with Mayonaiise Healthy?!

Question: Is Tuna with Mayonaiise Healthy!?
People say that tuna is healthy, but what about tuna with mayo!? Would it still be considered healthy to eat something like that!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

If the tuna is canned tuna, it is radiated or pasteurized!. Most of the canned tuna is very old as well!. If the tuna is fresh and from the wild, it will contain lots of omega 3 fatty acids and is very good for you!. If it is the canned, don't bother, it has little food value!. The mayo is most likely made with soybean oil or canola!. Both those oils are now genetically modified and not good for you!. The store bought mayonnaise made with that garbage is not digested well by your body!. It also contains lots of chemicals, especially if made by the Kraft company!.

Wild fish contains lots of omega 3 fatty acids!. If you cook it too long, you lose that value!. Just lightly cook it and it will be good for you!.

The problem you face is what we all face in America today!. There is very little food that can be purchased in the Mausoleums where dead food is held in state that has any real value for the body!. It's no wonder Americans are getting so fat and sick!. Disneyland just shut down the "Small World" ride to revamp it!. Too many boats were stalling due to the increased overweight people taking the ride!. Just walk down the death row aisles at the so called "super markets" that are anything but super and watch the fat people load their carts with all that dead food!. It's amazing how well marketing can convince so many people that food in a box or can is nutritious!.

If you don't care about your health, eat the tuna from a can and the mayo from a jar!. I suggest you free yourself from the lies you believe!.

good luck to youWww@Answer-Health@Com

Yeah, but like all other foods, eat in moderation!. Tuna contains a little mercury!. It's high up the fish food chain and the higher up you get, the more mercury it contains!. So shark, tuna and big game fish contain the most!. Against that, it contains omega 3 and various other good things!. Mayo!? It contains egg yolk, which is full of cholesterol, and sodium, but eat and enjoy, like I do!. Remember, even before man-made pollution, natural foods contained poisons like dioxins from bush fires, mercury from fish and roots and solanin from vegetables!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

My field is in fashion, as a result many people ask me how they can slim down!. My answer is always the same: good diet and exercise!. But I found this great product (all natural) which I think helps a lot in the process (it's really good for detox, you'll feel much healthier)!. I recommend you check this website
http://weigh-less-feel-great!.us , they have a free trial and you only pay $4!.95 shipping and handling!. Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Very healthy, I just had it tonite on crackers!.!.!.!.what on earth could be wrong w/it!? I use pretty much mayo and always have, I am not fat and am considered VERY healthy!. I am 50!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Stick to low fat mayo, and not too much of it and it should be fine!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yeah it's a healthy meal if you use a sensible amount of mayo - too much can be fatteningWww@Answer-Health@Com

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