Hey! how do i lose weight>? anything good i can do at home?!

Question: Hey! how do i lose weight>!? anything good i can do at home!?
I found this on this website!. There are more tips and info!.

1!. If what you are eating has less than 1 carb, count it as 1 carb just to be sure!.

2!. Totally avoid caffine at least for the first two weeks on the program!.

3!. Drink a MINIMUM of 8 glasses of plain water or seltzer daily!.

4!. Don't weigh yourself more than once a week

5!. Take starting measurements as well as weight - sometimes you'll lose inches before pounds

6!. Avoid any type of "low carb" sweetener for the first two weeks

7!. Don't compare your loss to someone else's - this is a YMMV thing (your milage may vary)

8!. Stalls are common around the third week so don't panic

9!. If you follow your plan to the T and don't lose, consider Candida as a possibility and avoid vinegar, cheese, mushrooms and any other fermented food

10!. Have bloodwork done before starting so you have a comparison

11!. Cholesterol can be elevated in the first few weeks til your body adjusts - make sure your doctor knows that you're doing low carb and when you started

12!. Don't blame the diet if you don't read your plan book -- blame the diet if you don't read the labels -- Don't blame the diet if you don't follow the diet

How do i lose fast weight!? - Healthy life every day!
search :http://www!.google!.com/search!?hl=en&lr=&n!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You don't need to go to the gym or pay big money to lose weight!. You are going to have to do a combination of things in order to achieve optimum results in toning your body!. You should eat many small portions of healthy food throughout the day!. Get 8-10 hours of sleep every night!. Drink water frequently!. I recommend eliminating soda from your diet completely!. Most importantly, you must exercise!. You'll need to combine cardio and strength exercises!. Try running, biking, and swimming for cardio exercise!. Try various types of ab exercises as well; you can find examples online!. Make sure to constantly switch up your workout routine to really challenge your body!. Don't count calories or weigh yourself daily; these are unhealthy habits!. Be patient and ambitious, and you should see results fairly soon:)Www@Answer-Health@Com

this is what I have done recently, I have sucked it up and got in my floor to do sit ups, it hurt at first but my tummy is looking good already!. you can invest in a good twin stroller and go walking everyday!. Really you need to watch what you eat and most importantly exercise and stay active!. You can go to www!.mypyramid!.gov and use some of the resources there to learn more about what is good for you to eat to maintain a healthy weight!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

There are loads of different ways to loose weight!. I wouldn't recommend starving yourself!. Exercise maybe!. Or eat salad and very healthy!. I have heard about a diet that is suppose to be really good!. You only eat beans!. Discusting i know!. But it is suppose to be really good!. You eat 3 tins of beans a day and nothing in between!. And on weekends you can whatever you want and whenever you like!. It is affective as my mum did it after having my little brother, she lost alot of weight!. Or maybe Slipfast, they are also suppose to be affective!. Search it up on 'google'!. There are loads of ways, you just got to find something that suits you!.

Good luck!.

All you gotta do is eat in moderation, try cutting your meals in half!.
Exercise as often as possible, even if it is playing out in the yard with your children, going for walks!. A good hour of moving every day and you're golden!. The key to losing weight and managing it is to eat in moderation!.
My problem was sugar, I tried not to eat anything 20 grams of sugar or over!. It was hard, but once you start losing it, you feel great!. Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hi April, you're a mother of twins, 2 years old, I know exactly where you are!!! I too am a mum of twins except mine are now 20 years old!!! There is life after those 2's don't worry, LOL!.!.!.!.
You would think with all the running around you do the weight would fall off!!! but that didn't happen for me either!. I began watching what I ate!. I ate healthier so I was able to keep myself full with "good stuff" and not the junk foods that are sooo easy to pop in our mouths getting that "full" feeling!.!.!. The neat thing is there was a Jamba Juice near my house so I would take walks twice a day to the local Jamba Juice and get healthy drinks for us all!!!! I learned to become the boss when it came to what I ate and that helped ALOT!!! good luck and congrats on the twins!.!.!.!. you'll make it hun :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

i would say lots of housework becos its got to be done anyways and like 10 minutes of washing dishes burns around 20 calories for an average body size!. just try to keep active, play with your kids (congrats btw!) and try to eat healthier but don't go too extreme with diet or anything or else your metabolism will shut down and you will have no energy! good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

diet!.!.!. no garbage foods or sodas

try to eat more low fat foods like chicken

stay active as much as possible!.!.!.!. try to allocate at least 30 mins a day to yourself for walk or exercise!.!.!.

it wont be easy at first but overtime u will see gains and feel a lot better and have more energy !.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Play with the kids in the yard!. Find out what your calorie intake should be!. Eat plenty of friuts and vegitables!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

cook more healthy foods, go on walks around the neighborhood, work out, clean your house, do yard work!.!.!.there are lots of things you can do at home!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

lots of yoga/pilates,walking and strict portion control!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

eat less, run, lift weights, drink like a gallon or 2 of water a dayWww@Answer-Health@Com

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