500 crunches a day sound good to you??help!?!

Question: 500 crunches a day sound good to you!?!?help!!?
okay so i am trying to lose my flat stomach and turn it into 6pack abs!!!

so this is what i am doing !.!.!.!.

everyday i have been doing 500 crunches a day

i do like 100 every commercial

and after 500 i stop

anything else i could do!?
does 500 crunches seem okay!? ex!. too much/too little

i want to know if i should go on a diet or something and if i should give me suggestions!

on a regular day basis i eat!.!.!.

Lunch at school: regular milk, main food and thats it

Dinner at home: chicken, rice with vegetables
a peanut butter jelly sandwich
nothing, if im not that hungry

all with water

plz help me on my way to get 6pack abs

thanks for answeringg!!!!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

You do 100 in a set!. If so your doing them wrong (that is if you have just started) How long have you been doing this!? and did you start out doing 100 in a set!? Because you should be in to much pain while doing them to be able to do 100 in a set!. But the 500 is about right!. I do sets of 75 but i started on 50!. the way to do it (in my orpinon) is to do it till it hurts and them push through it by 10reps!. So if you start getting pain at 50 then push through by 10 extra reps!. If you do it really fast them it is not as efective!. nice and slow is the way to go!. ONE MAJOR point is do not do them every day only every other day you need to give your muscles a days rest to recover or it will just do nothing!.

As for food then you need to be eating alot more food than what you say you eat every day (and you cant afford to miss a meal if you want to build muscle) Try eating about 4 meals a day and get a balence of all foods!. on the day you do you 500 sit ups eat lots of carbs and on recovery days eat lots of protein!. (eat Lots of tuna, pasta, bread, furit, veg, eggs, Raw eggs, Maybe a protien shake!.!. )

As for more good exercise you need to be working you abbs from the botton and from the top doing sit ups or crunches only does the top!. The best way to do the botton is lay down and raise you legs above the ground by about 15-20cm and hold for 30secs drop 10sec rest, up and hold again for 30 do that as long as posible!. Another one is use a chin up bar or just hang some were and raise or legs up try keeping you legs stright but if you cant do that them just your knees will do!.

Hope this helps and sorry for the essay!. good luck with you quest for a 6 pack!. you muscles will grow and produce more hormones if you work your whole body!. like chest, legs and arms with the back as well tho!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sounds like a waste of time !.!.!.

crunches suck !.!.!.

Eat more excet in smaller portions throughout the day and add in some daily jogging!. Then do different ab exercises and make sure you are getting you lower and upper abs!.

Oh and you need a bodyfat between 7 - 9% to have abs!. Which isnt exactly easy!. I worked hard and had an alright diet and had 9!.5% bodyfat!. I wasnt even close to a six pack!. I would probably need 8% for my abs to show really well but that 1!.5% would have been very difficult for me to achieve!.

You need enough rest, excellent nutrition, and a good work ethic!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

sounds foolish and idiopathic!.

Remember this, to get showin those abs!.Ya need to bring down your bodyfat percentage to as low as 8%!.Below that magic number,THEN AND ONLY THEN YOU CAN HAVE ABS !

Now, the second part of the ABdominal's equation!.
Ya need to pack on some muscles there to increase abdominal depths which is what the whole Ab idea is all about !.

All in all,It takes great discipline,hard work,consistency and proper nutrition to get it!.

The bigger question now:

ARE YOU UP FOR IT,DAWG!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your diet doesn't seem that balanced!. You didn't mention eating breakfast!. Eating breakfast can help you lose weight, and tone up your body!. Doing nothing but crunches isn't going to get you a six pack!. You need to work ALL the abdominal muscles!. Sparkpeople!.com has demos of core exercises that really get your abs in shape and could get you that six pack you're looking for!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

have breakfast, because it raises your metabolism for the day ;)
you need more vegetables and fruits, and instead of two meals a day break it up into about 6 smaller ones!. you need more of a variety as well tbh!.
do chest lifts, press ups, situps as well :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

For the exercise part, add in other stuff, not just crunches!. Consider jogging a couple miles, doing squats, push ups, and doing your crunches!. Don't do just one type of sit-up, or else you'll just be working one part of your abs, when to get a six pack, you'll have to work your entire stomach!. I do all types of ab exercises and it keeps my upper, lower, and back area toned!.

Diet is also a huge part of getting a six pack!. Make sure you eat all the important food groups like vegetables, fruits, protein (but don't make it your major group), dairy, and whole grains!. Eat smaller portions, not just one or two meals during the day!. You skipped what you eat for breakfast in your question, but I hope you're not actually skipping it!. Even though it sounds cheesy, breakfast is the most important meal of the day!. It kick starts your metabolism for the day!. So if you're skipping breakfast and eating a huge lunch, you're not doing much for your body!. Breakfast doesn't have to be huge!. Just eat some cereal (mini wheats, etc), some fruit, or something else along those lines!. Also consider eating through-out the day whenever you get hungry!. Say you start getting a little hungry in class, just eat a granola bar or something else to snack on, then eat lunch later on!. Skipping meals won't get you a six pack!.

Remember to get lots of rest too so your body isn't worn out from your workouts and stuff!. The target amount of sleep is between 7-8 hours!. That's what the experts say!.

Also remember to start out slow!. Don't go out on your first day and run 5 miles and do 600 crunches!. Start slow and work your way up, that way you dont' get burnt out!.

Good Luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

a complete waste of time!.

great abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym!. the ONLY way to get great abs is to have much lower than average body fat and that is a direct function of the diet!. abdominal training only strengthens the muscles it has absolutely no effect on decreasing body fat!. males need to have around 10% body fat and females about 20% to see the entire abdominal wall with out flexing!.

now to decrease body fat you need to follow a low calorie diet!. meals should be protein based and any carbs consumed should be low GI!. consuming low GI carbs keeps insulin levels low which allows the body to utilize fatty acids for energy while at rest!. when insulin levels rise to high from consuming too many of the wrong carbs it halts fat burning for hours!. decreasing body fat is all about controlling insulin through the diet!.

* I train and consult NPC & IFBB bodybuildersWww@Answer-Health@Com

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