Any expertise on the body and on Obesity? I'm really confused here.?!

Question: Any expertise on the body and on Obesity!? I'm really confused here!.!?
I'm 5'11, 220 pounds!. My stomach is pretty flat, and I don't have any rolls but I do have curves!. But not much a$$ Lol! I heard that Kristanna Loken is the same height as me and weighs 200 pounds!. I only made the comparison because she looks in shape to me and it makes me wonder, why is that considered overweight!? I don't look chubby or anything and look average!. I don't believe in the whole anorexic stick figure, twiggy look that's the new sexy look for women these days!. But I happen to think that a healthy muscular body is extremely attractive!. I decided to hit the gym last week because I wanted to tone up but my trainer says I'm fat and obese!? Apparently my BMI is 30!.7! Any experts on weight training!? Can peple be obese without looking like it!? Any experts on the subject!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Scale weight is a really poor indicator of body composition!. A person can be extremely muscular without much body fat and weigh more than a person who has less muscle and more fat!.

The only way for your trainer to determine whether you are obese is to do a detailed body fat test on you!. This involves taking measurements with body fat calipers to determine what your ratio of muscle to fat is!. BMI alone is NOT a good indicator of obesity, especially for people with a large amount of lean mass!.

In terms of Kristianna Loken, I'm afraid she's not 200 lbs!. She is 5' 11", but she weighs around 115 lbs, which is underweight for her height!. Her measurements are 34B-22-30!.

I would recommend having your trainer do a body fat test on you (if she or he hasn't already) and go from there!.

I've also included a link below to an article that explains body fat and scale weight, and why you need to look at BOTH when determining body composition and obesity!.

Best of luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

It only matters what you think about your weight!. Some people look great with more weight, others don't!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's really very simple!.

There are 2 categories of workouts and you only need to focus on one of those for weight loss!.

1!. Resistance training - weight lifting, sit-ups, push-ups, etc!.

2!. Cardiovascular Training - walking/running, swimming, jumping jacks, dancing to the oldies, etc!.

You need only to focus on #2 for weight loss!. #1 is good for muscle tone but does little for weight loss!.

Cardiovascular exercises are simple and you don't need any fancy equipment!. For successful weight loss, all you need to do is any body movements that get your heart rate higher than normal!. That's what cardiovascular workouts are all about!. They simply get your heart rate up and burn off fat!.

You will need to keep your heart rate up for longer than 20 minutes per session in order to achieve a successful burn!. The body takes that much time to warm up and begin the burn!. Any huffy-puffy activity will work such as walking, running, going up and down stairs, vigorous dancing, jumping rope, just anything that makes you huff and puff!. That's the key - huff and puff for over 20 minutes a session!. This is how your body burns off fat!.


Don't get discouraged!

Contrary to popular TV, there is no such thing as "targeting" an area of your body for weight loss!. The reality is that you will see the fattest part of your body lose weight last! You will notice it first in your face!. The thickest fat is the last to go so don't lose heart if you don't see your

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