How many push ups is best for building chest muscle?!

Question: How many push ups is best for building chest muscle!?
now, ive heard of all these 'jocks' who always brag on their websites about how they can do 200000 push ups and now they look like hulk hogan or whatever (steroids is probably more truthful) but keeping reps within the 6-10 rep range is meant to help more for building mass!. does this apply to push ups too or should a more extensive amount be reached!. Any help, much appreciatedWww@Answer-Health@Com

6-10 pushups isn't going to do anything!. The 6-10 reps for muscle building thing is only relevant if you are working with around 60-90% of your MAX lift potential!. If you are doing something extremely easy (like pushups), then you're going to want to do as many as possible, every set!. And when that becomes easy, do them with your legs elevated (put your feet up on a bench)!. But seriously, if you're trying to actually build muscle, start bench-pressing!. Push-ups and other bodyweight lifting exercises are only really good for toning/endurance!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm not really sure how many push ups are best for building chest muscle, but the best exercises would be:

Inclined Bench Press: Lie on a incline bench, face up, with your feet flat on the floor!. Raise the weight by striaghtening the arms above the chest and then slowly lower the weight back down to the chest, slightly above the nipple line!. Hold your elbows in close during the exercise!.
Exhale as you raise the weight and inhale as the weight is lowered!. Do not arch your lower back!. This exercise can be performed with a close, medium or wide grip on a barbell, or with dumbells!.

Paralell Dips: Stand between parallel bars and lift yourself so you are held up by your arms and your arms are straight!. Keeping your elbows in close to your sides, lower your body down as far as you can!. Press yourself back up until your arms are straight again!. You can also hold a dumbell between your feet for extra resistance!.

from: http://www!.marean!.net/ross/FlexAppeal/Pe!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Firstly you should be looking at WHY you want to build chest muscle!. Are you uncomfortable with your appearance, not scoring with the ladies or for some other reason!? If it's the first two you really don't need to build chest muscle, just regular excercise should cover any weight issues!. And if the ladies are not happy with you then they aren't the right ladies for you!. Or men!. Or both!. Or neither!.

Any way!. Why are you looking at jocks websites!? Just do as many as you feel comfortable and don't live up to other peoples standards, you'll respect yourself more that way!.

If you want to become the ultimate jock however, about 30 a night should cover it surely!. Don't forget some sit ups and squat thrusts for the full body workout!. Alternatively join a gym and make some friends in the process!.!.!. Happy days!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

to build your chest with push ups , your rep range is correct!. Keep your form correct, and very the styles of pushups, close, wide, decline, incline, elevated, spiderman, cricket!. Always use a 2-0-1 tempo (2 seconds down, zero at bottom, and explode up)!. As you progress you will want to add weight as your body will not be enough to continue to build, so you'll need to invest in a weighted vest, blast straps, exercise bands, something to increase resistance!. You'll want to increase resistance when you can easily do 20 or more pushups!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Do as many as you can two-three times a day!. Increase the amount of push-ups every- or every other day!. That way you will get big chest muscles in a very short time!.

BTW: Remember to stretch your chest after each set of push-ups!. Here is a site that explains how to stretch:



That rep range is appropriate, Just have someone set extra weights on your back if you need it !.Stay intense!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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