Why is my girl tired all the time?!

Question: Why is my girl tired all the time!?
My girlfriend is very active!. She runs, she bikes, she lifts weights, she takes karate, she's training to be a fire fighter!. I'd say an hour or so a day of exercise, four or five days a week!.

But she always carries a fair amount of body fat for her frame!. I think she's gorgeous, but it does slow her down athletically!.

What I worry about is that she's tired all the time!. She'll sleep 11 hours a night or more if you let her, and then take a nap in the day time, too!.

Her metabolism seems slow, especially for how hard she works out!. I think it might be her diet, which is crappy!. She's a very picky eater, won't eat vegetables or even most fruits, and consumes a lot of dairy, sweets, and carbs!. Could her diet be to blame, or do you think it is something else!?

Sources are great, so that I can do more research!. She's only 22 right now, I'm afraid that if she doesn't fix this problem, she'll have uncontrollable weight issues later in life, and that would ruin her athletics,Www@Answer-Health@Com

You are right, I think diet is partially to blame!. carbs and sugars are okay, but you need to eat the right ones!. If she's 22 now, she can live through it, but it will catch up to her in another 20 years!. I don't care if she's a picky eater, she needs to eat healthy!. Not lettuce all the time, but we all know what healthy is, and that doesn't include candy, cake, and fast food!.!.!.

But in addition to the diet, she may be pre-diabetic, or perhaps she may have an under active thyroid!. Tell her to go and get these things checked out at the doctor's office!.!.!. Oh, and her iron levels could be low, when people have low iron, they sleep a lot, much more than people with regular iron levels!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

COmmon Causes that you could investigate and rule out:




Have her talk to a doctor to assess these three thingsWww@Answer-Health@Com

Definitially the diet! Your diet affects EvERyThINg!!!
Bodybuilding!.com has a crapload of articles on this stuff!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

HOW nice of you to help!. Weight control is different for everyone!. She may need more protein bar/drink after a work out, and keep up hydration!. Also females need more iron!. I like the flavores lipton green tea for a energy boost!. and I take iron supliment also!.,, and B 12,, It takes time for iron to work so may be week so before you feel better!. But each person is different so it depends on what she may allready be taking now!. Eating good foods counts to but sadly processed foods have lost nutriton values!. For years Dr would not encourage suppliments but now are!. *mamatxWww@Answer-Health@Com

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