How much weight have you lost and how?!

Question: How much weight have you lost and how!?
This is basically a chance for you to brag, and hopefully for me to be encouraged and learn something!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I started at 200 lbs back in 2005!. Slowly and gradually I lost down to 140 by 2007!. I started walking!. I remember when I began, I felt fat and disgusting because everything jiggled and I used to catch sight of my reflection in car windows and was so embarassed!. Walking really worked for me because once I got fat butt out 2 miles from my house the only way to get back was to walk there! I have since purchased an elliptical trainer and a stairstepper which are great, but nothing compares to walking! I began walking 1-2 miles and kept working up and up slowly until I was walking 8-9 miles/day!. I made sure I walked everyday, no excuses!. Overtime I added ankle weights of 1 lb and worked up to 4 lbs per ankle ( I also wear knee supports)!. I sometimes carry handweights but find that I easily strain my muscles from the arm weights!.

I didn't change my eating much at first!. Just ate different fast foods (still ate fast foods just not huge burgers and fries I traded for a grilled chicken sandwich and fries)!. But slowly, overtime, I ate less and less fast food meals!. Lately I eat huge homemade salads with lots of baked salmon and tons of tomatoes, red peppers etc!. I have really gotten excited about putting good things into my body and save the junk and fast foods for 1-2 a week treats!.

I am 5'8" & feel like for the first time in my life I'm in control of myself!Www@Answer-Health@Com

i am 5'8
i weighed 115 lbs before i started losing weight
then stopped at 100 lbs for a while!. then continued again until i weighed 82 lbs and had to be hospitalized and had to be put on a feeding tube because of malnutrition and dehydration!. basically i just starved myself because i thought i was fat and had to fit into a size 00!.
bragging!? no i hope people can learn from the mistake i made!.

i am still in therapy!. now weighing 95 lbs!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I lost about 15 pounds in approximatly 3 months!. Then again I am 17!. I just ate less and danced more (it wasn't really a planned thing)!. My advice would be to stop thinking about loosing weight!. The more you think about it, the more you think about food!. To often in America we live to eat instead of eating to live!. Take out all the food that would cause you to gain weight to eliminate the temptation and get busy doing something that is active and you enjoy!. Love your body and take advatage!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I've lost over 80 lbs and I plan on losing 30 more!. I started in August 2007 and weighed 260 lbs!. I'm 21 and my height is 5'11!. My goal is to be 150 lbs!. I did by creating my OWN 7-day meal plan and started walking alot more!. The pounds just melted ago!. Now I do alot my exercising and I do have cheat days too!. I use Canada's Food Guide website to create the meal plan and it help me with what to eat and serve portions!. Btw drinking 8 cups a water doesn't make you lose weight!. All it did was make to use the washroom alot more!. So now I drink water only when I'm thirsty!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I lost 8 pounds in 1 week by doing special k Breakfeast:Special K

Lunch:Special K

Snack:Special K

Dinner:Regular food

Exercise: Billy Blanks,Sit ups,Power Walking,Dance Dance Revolution (workout mode)!.

Last week I lost a pound,but Something is better than nothing!.

So in total 9 pounds!. I haven't even weighed myself this week but I'm thinking I lost around 5-7 pounds!.

I feel damn good too!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I've lost 40 pounds since November and am working on the last 10!. Basically I did it by calorie counting, staying between 1200-1400 calories a day!. Watching my fat intake also!. Drinking a lot of water!. I honestly didn't do much exercise but I am going to start because even though I lost the weight I need to tone up!. Check out sparkpeople!.com, it's very helpful!. You can get tons of information and support!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

the most I've lost in the past is like 25-30 lbs but I did it the wrong way!.!.!.you know what I mean!.!.!.now I have problems with my health and my self esteem!.!.!. I'll get over itWww@Answer-Health@Com

actually it happend and i wasnt even trying
i celebrate lent and i gave up pop and i lost about 11 pounds in 40 daysWww@Answer-Health@Com

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