
Question: Anorexia!.!?
i know im anorexic but i need to stop it!.
i am 5"1
weigh 64 lbs
im 14!.
i think im fat and i dont eat!.
how to i stop it!.
i neeeeeed to


There are many causes and reasons for Anorexia Nervosa, it is impossible to diagnose and help yourself with this condition, if you are worried and seriously want help then my advice would be to talk to your parents/guardians and then seek medical advice from your GP!. People with anorexia can survive, and often do, leading normal healthy lifes!. If you want to lose weight the best possible way to do this is to stick to three nutritious meals a day and don't snack!. Drink plenty of water and make sure you get your recommended daily 5 fruits and vegetables!. Good luck with this, and remember you are still young, you have plenty of time to eat and grow and be healthy!. Your body is still developing and needs food and water to grow!. Seek medical advice!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

honestly your not fat or anything close see a dr or something because there the only ones that can get you eating maybe a feeding tube for starters!.
try food little by little dam 64lbs thats to thin !.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

this might be a bad suggestion but not eating is worse than eating bad food so go eat mcdonalds or burger king or soemthing!. it might make you start eating again b/c its so addicting!. Really hope you stop being anorexic!.
Good luckkWww@Answer-Health@Com

There is no easy way to just stop!. However you have taken the first step in realizing you have a problem, second is to find help!. Being you're 14, I would suggest talking to a parent first, and that should be enough to get things started!. If they play it off, then a school nurse or counselor is your next step!. That should be all you need to get help!. Be strong, and you'll get better!. Anorexia is a very serious disease, and some of the effects may not show up for years, so the sooner you get better the less chance that your health will be greatly affected down the road!.
Good Luck :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

The first step to every problem is to realize that you have one!.That takes a lot to do!.You live in a society that is based on beauty and other things unimportant!.Look at yourself in the mirror everyday and say to yourself that your are beautiful and your not fat!.Start eating tiny bites or when you get your food, cut it up into small portions and start eating that way!.GET RID OF THE SCALE!. bony is not cute!.Its sickening!.Its OK to excercise and watch your calorie intake,but do it the healthy way!.Depriving yourself of food is dangerous!.It weakens the heart and eventually you will suffer long term effects plus death!.LOVE YOURSELF FIRSTWww@Answer-Health@Com

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