How can I loose Weight???!

Question: How can I loose Weight!?!?!?
hi, Here are some diet tips :

-A study found that people who eat golden delicious or granny smith apples 15minutes before lunch ate 190 fewer calories during there meal!.

- Have a glass of pineapple juice after eating a fatty meal as it gets rid of the fat in your body!.

- Dine of kids size plates as you eat less but at the same time it still looks like you are eating the same as before so know one will realize!.

- Also try swapping a handful of almonds ( 158 calories ) for a handful of sultnas ( 69 calories) you save 89 calories!.

- Try foods such as : porridge, apple, cashew nuts (handful), small chocolate bar, omalate with peppers or mushrooms, chicken salad, sandwich with healthy wholemeal or wholegrain bread, grilled tuna steak with steamed veg, chilli made with lean mince and brown rice!.

-Try sports such as running and swimming for 30 mins a time up to 4 times a week!.

-watercress soup is very healthy and lots of celebs eat watercress soup!.

Hope this helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Cut down on how much you eat, particularly carbs!. No need to starve yourself just eat less in your portions and cut out junk food!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I suggest that you take the time to read my blog where I talk about everything from fat loss to dieting to exercise!.


Think of it like this!.!.!. if you follow the instructions on the blog weight loss and dieting should only take one attempt!. Why go through frustrating struggles and risk injury when you can do it the right way!.

When I purchased this it actually got me off the couch and got me to work out, because I did NOT want my money going to waste!. I hope you will have the same results that I did!.

good luck


To lose weight you have to try to reduce the simple carbohydrates you consume every day and even cut them out of your diet!. Simple carbs include


Table sugar


Biscuits - plain







Boiled sweets

Mint Sweets



Soft drinks

Tinned fruits



Puddlings - some

After you have successfully rid your body of those you have to work on gaining muscle!.
Going to the gym and jogging for a couple of minutes will do ABSOLUTELY NO HELP to your fat!.
You have to do weightlifting, not till you bulge like a watermelon, but so that your body is toned!. After that jogging and other simpler workouts will help since the muscles youve gained consume alot of calories while doing even simple tasks!.
You have to keep in mind though that when working out you only lose your FAT DEPOSITS AFtER YOU HAVE WASTED ALL OF THE CALORIES YOU HAVE CONSUMED THAT DAY!.
You will know when that happens because you will start to feel faint!. at that moment DO NOT STOP WORKING OUT!.
You have to take a little 5-10 minute break(during that break dont eat but drink alot of water) then go back to your workout but at a slower pace!. That will help you lose alot of weight through time!.

Also i know alot of people who have stopped eating and it doesnt work so dont try it because if you stop eating for awhile, when you start to eat again you become way fatter!.
just a tip!.

Good luck =)
Hope i helpedWww@Answer-Health@Com

step 1 Eat less!.
Eat less, at least less of that rubbish you constantly cram into your face!. Or just swap it for some fruit!. Fruit is sooooooo good!. And cheap! (compared to that overprocessed high salt/sugar junk at least)

step 2 Exercise more!.
Take the stairs, walk, get into the park!. Walk to the shop!. (do that already!? Then plan a longer route!.) Twenty minutes a day is all you need!. Thirty is perfect!. You dont need to be gasping for air, just enough to warm you up!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I want to help you to lose weight healthily by introducing you the products of Herbalife, the best weight management company in the world!. It's the fact and you can learn more about our company here: http://www!.herbalife!.com!. Herbalife 's products are absolutely not drugs but meals replacement!. They are all made of fruit and herb!. They will help you to control the calories intake and reshape your body!. If you feel interested, send me a message to 0421881215 for free consultation (I'm an independent distributor of Herbalife)!. You pay nothing, why don't you give it a try!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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