Is this a good list of healthy foods? anything to add?!

Question: Is this a good list of healthy foods!? anything to add!?
- chicken slices
- strawberries
- grapes
- bananas
- apples
- kiwi
- cucumber
- baby carrots
- celery
- broccoli
- pita bread
- eggs
- whole wheat bread
- orange juice
- dannon light n fit yogurt, 2 strawberries, 2 vanilla, 1 blueberry
- v8 vfusion light in mango or strawberry banana
- quaker mini rice cakes in cheddar cheeseWww@Answer-Health@Com

You have plenty of fruits, grains, and veggies, but only one meat group!. Add turkey, beef, and white pork to that list!. You can also add tofu, pasta, tomatoes, and cabbage!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

brazil and walnuts
green, white, black teas

plain oatmealWww@Answer-Health@Com

cottage cheese
whole wheat bread WITHOUT any high fructose corn syrup
turkey breast
low-fat cheese
Egg Beaters

BTW, grapes and bananas have the highest sugar content of all fruits!. And ditch the OJ!. It's sugar water!. If you like the flavor either eat an orange of drink Crystal Light orange!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

raspberries! snap peas!
and twizzler bites are low points on weight watchersWww@Answer-Health@Com

Some of the stuff on the list isn't that healthy!. Like the mini rice cakes!. But some is great!.

There is plenty to be added, yes!. Any fruit or vegetable can go on the list except potatoes (corn is not classified as either; it isn't healthy either), not just the better-known ones!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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