Tone stomach?!

Question: Tone stomach!?
i am doing a lot of cardio a week, about 6 days a week!. i do little weight training - about 2 times a week!.!.!. i also so ab lounge and other excersices!. i have lost a lot of weight so far but i am not toned at all and thats what i want now!. should i do more weight training!? what can i do to tone up!? and tone my stomach!? thanks in advance : )Www@Answer-Health@Com

an excellent exercise, you can do it in front of your TV: sit on a
stool, and put your toes under something (piece of heavy furniture, for example)!. In your hands hold a little dumbbell!. Please, make sure that it is not very heavy, start with one kilo, for example, or you will damage your back and spine!
Slowly move the upper part of your body back, until it's parallel with the ground!. Stop for a second and move it back to the sitting position!. Repeat ten times!.
Every week add to the number of repetitions!.
You will see the results in a week, guaranteed! You will see or feel under the fat - if you have any - six pack and muscles!. Dumbbells do wonders!. Much better than these crunches - I came up to three hundreds and there was no results AT ALL!. With the dumbbells you will see it in a week!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

get an exercise ball it should come with a video or instructions on what exercises you can do also for abs try, lay on your back, put your hand over your head on the floor you can even hold on to something heavy to keep you down and then lift your legs up and down it burns but it works really good! <3Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, do more weight training!. Cardio burns fat, but in order to look tone, you'll need to build muscle and that means weight training!. Be forewarned: Muscle weighs more than fat, so you may actually GAIN weight but LOOK slimmer!.

Your ultimate goal is to lose FAT!.

You seem to know what you're doing!.


The article gives a good description of cardio vs weight training!.

Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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