How much weight should i loose?? help please?!

Question: im 5'2 and idkk about 118-121 pounds. what can i do to loose weight or simply tone up.. what part of my body should i work on most? what are my problem areas??

Answers: im 5'2 and idkk about 118-121 pounds. what can i do to loose weight or simply tone up.. what part of my body should i work on most? what are my problem areas??

u dont need to "lose" just tone up
go to the gym, get on the machines and do a bunch of sets of 12 reps, or on the running machines
your not fat, just need a few weeks of toning!!

this shuld help

i mean i don't think you need to loose any weight you can work on getting some abs but from what i see your body doesn't need anywork.

Your not fat at all. If you lose anything more then 10lbs you will be underweight, meaning your not even on the high end of being normal. If you want to tone up do yoga.

you're not that fat!
anyways...just tone up your stomach and thighs.

You Look Perfect All You Need To Do Is Tone Up Thats All.
Absolutely Perfect

forget weight lose you have achieved that you will just need to tone up the body. a total body workout would be best.

ur skinny not fat and dnt lose weight trust me its just baby fat if u get abs quickly takes longer to grow.

And hell ur skinny in does pics

your butt and thighs and stomach is your main problem my guess if to lose 3-4 1/2 lbs i guess its up to u eat more healthier foods like fruit,vegetable,vitamin,nutrient,and fiber not fating food it can give u cancer or u can die from if because to much fat can clog ur arteries

not sure of your exact weight...... in kilograms please......nevertheless for women the problem areas are generally their tummy, buttocks. do lots of sit up and step related exercise ..... good luck. Anyway you already have a good body! Your thighs look a little big but that is in propotion. Men would love look voluptous.....

about a hundred pounds


You are about average weight compared with other girls your age and height. You also have a muscular build, so you have more muscle than the average girl, and so you've got less fat.

Your pictures don't show any extra flab anywhere, no extra bulge on the tummy, hips, arms, or legs. You don't really have problem areas!

Get plenty of exercise, don't change your eating habits right now. Summer is less than three months away, and you look great.

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