Besides working out and not eating consistently...?!

Question: are there other methods of loosing weight

Answers: are there other methods of loosing weight

Count your calories and then make sure you burn more than that a day because then you will loose calories. Also, make sure you drink lots of water. Don't drink soda. Instead of having chips for a snack have fruit or something of the sort. Basically its not just about the amout of food you eat, its about making healty food choices.

Not any that really work.

Eating right and exercising are the only ways.

Well... i guess there is also liposuction...

I guess pills?

you can eat smaller amounts consistently, just not lrg amounts constantly & drink lots of water

Well it's better to eat less every meal and have snacks rather than not eating consistently because if you go for long periods without food it'll mess up your metabolism. Apart from that though, I don't know of any other ways of losing weight. Not healthy ones anyway.

You should eat 5-6 small meals a day, that consist of a protein and carb.
Definately include weight training in your work outs.
Try not to eat past 7PM!
Good Luck

yea buy a trampoline xD

Not healthily, or over the long-term.

Surgery can work, but has it's risks, and eventually your body will regrow any fat removed if you don't change your habits.

Sweating, saunas and the like, can remove several punds very quickly. But can cause serious health issues such as dehydration and heat stroke, and the weight lost is only water, so it will be back in a matter of days, or sooner.

Actually, eating consistently is good for losing weight. They call it grazing. You should eat six meals a day. Now, I'm not talking full on full course meals. But, say you eat breakfast at 8:00 (a yogurt, some granola, etc.), three hours later you should have a snack, almonds and a apple, something like that, then lunch (lite), then three hours later another snack (lite), then dinner, then three hours later (if it's not too late) snack. Drinking water of course. But, light eating, portion control, and exercise is it.

working out properly + smart eating + self confidence = safe lasting excess body fat dont need some other crazy diet or slimming spa treatment...celebs from all over the world try all sorts of crazy ways to lose excess body fat, but they place their health in dont have to go to that extreme!

dreaming.. no seriously. just eat healthy. try going vegetarian. better for you. better for the environment and animals, and you'll drop weight too.

Well, nothing. That's kind of how it works.

And eating consistently isn't the thing--you should actually eat many small meals as opposed to just 3 large meals. The thing is that these small meals are healthy.

You NEED to eat breakfest to get your body's sugars working again. You NEED to drink lots of water.

You can do small things that will make a big difference, too.
The fastest thing--stop drinking soda. Just stop! I stopped drinking soda and lost 15lbs in like 3 weeks, just from no soda. That crap is packed with bad sugar and the thing about it... you're thirsty so you drink a soda, still thirsty.. more soda. It makes you crave it. It will maybe take a week or two for you to completely rid your cravings and the taste for it. It's worth it, though. Water is more refreshing and better for you anyway.

Juice is bad, too. The sugar is outragous in that crap.
Just important to keep yourself hydrated. Salt is bad, whoa. I mean the stuff will dehydrate you more, but make you crave more salt. Water intake also curbs your appetite. Fill up on water, you won't eat as much.
Some tips for weightloss
---- Eat breakfast everyday
---- Eat smaller, more frequent meals(eat 4-6 six small meals)
---- Eat Negative calorie food :Negative calorie foods are foods, which use more calories to digest than the calories the foods actually contain. For example, if you eat 200 calories of a food that requires 250 calories to digest, then you've burnt an additional 50 calories simply by eating that food.
list of negative calorie foods:

---- Strength training and aerobic exercise : Start a workout routine . Try 30-60 minutes of physical activity a day and incorporate weight training into your workout.
---- Eat fruits and vegetables -Increase your intake of fiber rich foods
---- Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole-grain products
---- Drink more water
Drinking water is important for losing weight .Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat.
---- Increase your protein intake
Protein makes us feel full. It helps in replacing and building muscle tissue. More muscles burn more fat.
---- Do not skip meals
Skipping meals slows down your metabolism and makes you hungry which you tend to compensate by eating a lot later.
---- Spice up your food
Spices boosts metabolism, suppresses appetite, reduce fat absorption and add taste to your meal.
---- Take the stairs and park your car further away from the shops
It will help increase the number of steps you take in a day and will burn a few more calories .
Tips to increase Metabolism

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