How long would i have to walk to burn 500 calories?!

Question: hey there, os we bought a new treadmill, i'm looking to lose some weight, and i know i have to burn at least 500 calories a day, how do i got abot doing this, i just walked for an hour and five minutes. (5 mins was cool down.) and burned 330 some calories, i was walking abot 3.3-3.5, i mainly stated at 3.4mph at a 2-2.5 incline, how long would i have to walk to burn 500 calories?

Answers: hey there, os we bought a new treadmill, i'm looking to lose some weight, and i know i have to burn at least 500 calories a day, how do i got abot doing this, i just walked for an hour and five minutes. (5 mins was cool down.) and burned 330 some calories, i was walking abot 3.3-3.5, i mainly stated at 3.4mph at a 2-2.5 incline, how long would i have to walk to burn 500 calories?

It would probably take 2-2/1/2 hours
you could def do it in one day!
good luck! :)

I need your weight for a more accurate answer. Assuming you weigh 100 lbs, and you walk at 2.5% incline at a speed of 3.5mph, you'd need to walk for about 90 minutes to burn 500 calories.

If however you weigh 150 lbs, you'd only need to walk for 60 minutes using the same configuration.

If you weigh 180 lbs, you'd only need to walk for 50 minutes using the same configuration.

well.... believe it or not licking a stamp burns ten calories!! you do the math! lol so lick a stamp 50x's a day!

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