Stomach buldge?!

Question: i have always heard that drinking to much soda will cause woman to mainly gain weight in there abdomen area does anyone know if this is really the case?

Answers: i have always heard that drinking to much soda will cause woman to mainly gain weight in there abdomen area does anyone know if this is really the case?

No... but there is an 'association' between soda and bellies.

Some sodas have highly calorific ingredients, but these cannot increase fat storage in the body. The idea that 'excess' calories are somehow converted into fat IS A MYTH. Your liver CAN make fat from sugar ('lipogenesis') and vice versa ('neoglucogenesis'), but only in circumstances that don't happen (in humans) very strongly or very often.

Gassy drinks add to the volume of your gut contents, so this can stretch the abdominal muscles more. So a lifestyle involving a lot of soda-drinking is likely to allow the belly to 'spread', but it won't be directly caused by the soda.

Fat accumulates in the abdomen BECAUSE of the muscular 'wall' becoming soft, and compressing the abdominal organs less strongly.

Strong 'core' muscles will keep the contents of the abdomen well squashed, even if gassy beer or soda is drunk. This helps to support the breathing and the spinal 'column', as well as improving digestion. Part of the effect on digestion arises from the tendency for 'wind' to be eliminated more quickly, which helps to propel other gut contents ('chyme') through the intestines and mixes them more effectively as it passes through.

(sorry, some repulsive images there, but u asked!)

Most individuals tend to gain weight in their abdomen pretty quickly. However, women tend to gain it in their thighs and breasts sooner than their abdomen. This, too, can vary from person to person.

Drinking soda does not target any specific part of the body. It's excess calories that are turned into fat. You could receive these from sodas, cake, etc.

Yes it is true because of all the excess sugar in it. Soda also does not offer any vitamins, fiber or protein which make a snack more filling and alow you to feel full so you will stop eating or drinking. Thats why people can drink a few cans a day. Also, diet soda can be bad for you too because most people tend to eat something really bad for them because they feel they are doing a good deed to their body by drinking diet. Diet soda can make you feel bloated and it is bad for your heart because it is sweetened with aspartame.

i heard that 1 can of coke everyday for a full year puts on one stone!

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