Weekly meal plan?!

Question: what sould I eat? breakfast lunch dinner? I'm 22 5'6'' 150lbs. I just got engaged and want to loose about 25 lbs or 3 dress sizes by my wedding in 1 year. Mostly at the end of the day I don't care what # the scale says I just don't want to be flabby.

Answers: what sould I eat? breakfast lunch dinner? I'm 22 5'6'' 150lbs. I just got engaged and want to loose about 25 lbs or 3 dress sizes by my wedding in 1 year. Mostly at the end of the day I don't care what # the scale says I just don't want to be flabby.

Breakfast should always be your largest meal of the day.

You need to make sure you eat 6 small meals a day.

Ideas for breakfast 2 egg whites with some cheese ( protien holds you over longer) a 1 slice of wheat toast, (you need your grains) and a piece of some fruit (preferably, berries they are anti-oxidants and they are full of fiber).

Snack would be - celery and peanutbutter (low-sodium is best) also try to find natural peanut butters, less preservatives and chemicals that your body really doesn't need. Or a handful of raw almonds will do the trick. There are several options but it is important to snack, this prevents you from gorging on your next meal.

Ideas for lunch would be- salad, cottages cheese with fresh sliced peaches. Or you could do a "Whole Wheat" pita filled with your favorite veggies, some italian dressing etc.... and a small cup of tomato soup

Snack again- raisens (un-sweetened), almonds, celery...popcorn..etc..you get the drift.

Dinner- (as mentioned before salmon- but I would suggest a better alternative to salmon since Salmon does have a high fat content) try a white fish like orange roughy, or talipia. Prepare in a baking pan, sprinkle with a little olive oil, squeeze of lime juice and some garlic salt to taste. Back until completely cooked. Fresh Veggie medly or salad, or whole wheat rice.

Evening snack, apple and some flavored cream cheese dip..or peanut butter or frozen yougurt/gelato instead of ice cream!

just stick with 1500 calories a day at max! 3-400cal meals. and 3-100 calories snacks. Include lots of fruits and vegetables, that will fill you up without extra calories.

as for meals... these are just simple ideas, i'm not much of a cook and i can guarantee each of these is simple!

1/2 cup cottage cheese, w/ 1/2 quick-oat oatmeal. add some ground cinnamon and 1-2 packets of equal. (about 165 cals total)

morningstar veggie burger(under 150 cals) and some fat free yogurt,(around 100 cals, try yoplait light) add some veggies or fresh fruit to fill you up.

dinner: piece of salmon (i use the gorton's grilled fish in the frozen section, sounds gross but its actually very good!) large portion of veggies and a small red potatoe.
less than 300 cals!

all of those examples are low calorie- just ideas that you can change around to stay at or under 400 cals.

if you aren't a vegetable person try seasoning them. just an example is asparagus, plain i would never touch that stuff! but saute it in soy sauce and i'll eat a whole plate of it!

I love ice cream too, but I am also trying to lose the weight, so I have replaced ice cream with yogurt.. they have lots of different flavors these days, i like strawberry yogurt with sliced bananas and granola in it.. or you can put any kind of fresh fruit in it...

Best of luck, and congratulations...

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