I need exercises for my thighs and the inside of them!?!

Question: need to be super toned and hott for the middle of june!

Answers: need to be super toned and hott for the middle of june!

do squats
do alot of cardio
run up stairs and down at least 20 times.
if you feel the burn that's good you're getting muscles and mhmm you gonna look goood
if sore allow to heal for like 2 days depending on severity.
train harder

omg same!

thigh master

bicycling works wonders

Mmmmm..... ;o)

stair masster .... and your hot as u are :)

Don't eat so much!

Try Total Body Sculpt with Gilad on Fit TV (6:30am & 6:30pm, Eastern time)...it did great work for my lower body!

Well, you should run in place. It really works. I do it every day, and I've lost some of my thigh fat. Make sure that your knees get level with your stomach when you run, though.

After you're done laughing at this video, you'll see the kind of resistance you need for a thigh; butt workout.


Good luck becoming "hott", I personally think that comes from within...

easy! I have invented a new diet and exercise program that I called "Don't eat and run!".

Follow these simple 2 steps and in no time you will have one tight little sexy body!

1. Don't eat.
2. Run! (at least 10 miles a day).

3. (optional) swim too.
4. (optional) kayak, dance, climb, etc.

Voila! You're a tight sexy hottie in a trikini!

well its called YOGA.
fall on the ground, ur eyes sud be seeing the upper wall.
do cycling in one direction and after 5 mints do it in reverse direction.
another one is same fall on the ground, ur eyes sud be seeing the upper wall. now from 1 leg make a big round. do it for 5 mints after that use ur second leg and repete the same.

cycling is the best ex.

What is good! I had the same problem as you..i had big thighs LOL. But I have tried some things in the past to slim them down.And I'm still doing these exercises so it will work. I do the squats and lunges and i also run in place it doesn't matter how long you do this, there is no time limit. I lost like alot of inches..so it will work believe me. Good luck.

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