Will I lose weight like this?!

Question: Im going to post my workout plan, ive been doing it for about a month and im getting discouraged becuase im not seeing ANY results, can you please tell me what im doing wrong or tell me if this will work.

2x5 Leg Press
2x5 Leg curls
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift
**2x8 Dips (if you cant do these or no assist machine then do Decline Dumbbell Bench Press with your hands Facing each other)

Tuesday- 15 mins cardio on stationary bike, sprinting

3x5 Leg Press
3x5 Standing military press
3x5 Pendlay or Bent Rows (or power cleans)
**2x8 Chin-ups (recommended mainly if doing the cleans)

Thursday- 15 mins cardio on stationary bike, sprinting

Friday-Repeat Monday

My diet consists of beef, veggies and lots of protein

Answers: Im going to post my workout plan, ive been doing it for about a month and im getting discouraged becuase im not seeing ANY results, can you please tell me what im doing wrong or tell me if this will work.

2x5 Leg Press
2x5 Leg curls
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift
**2x8 Dips (if you cant do these or no assist machine then do Decline Dumbbell Bench Press with your hands Facing each other)

Tuesday- 15 mins cardio on stationary bike, sprinting

3x5 Leg Press
3x5 Standing military press
3x5 Pendlay or Bent Rows (or power cleans)
**2x8 Chin-ups (recommended mainly if doing the cleans)

Thursday- 15 mins cardio on stationary bike, sprinting

Friday-Repeat Monday

My diet consists of beef, veggies and lots of protein

Your routine sequence looks good. Weights three times a week. Cardio twice a week. However, your numbers seem too low. I would change the repetition from 5 times to 12 or 15 times and your cardio to at least 30 minutes. You are currently not burning enough calories with your routine. You are just maintaining yourself.

I believe its good for you. :)

um no this i much better
eat 10 squares of dark chocolate in the morning( this kick starts ur metabism then go for a half an hour walk
after this eat 2 more squares of dark chocolate and a glass of semi skimmed milk. and a can of tuna in brine

do 50 squats

for lunch a have green tea, a box of sushi ( with salmon) and a 2 teaspoons of peanut butter( this makes everything burn much quicker)

have a snake of grapes/ blueberries and a glass f semi skimmed milk with a tsp of sugar and cinamon ( again rasies the metablism)

for dinner
a serving of brown rice , a serving of fish and 2 servings of vegetables ( green if possible)
springkle a little spice over it!
if u can bare it go for a 15 mins jog

bedtime snack
5 sqares of dark chocolate

i promise i know it sounds strange just try it out ! this way the weight will stay off and u eat! i did this and lost 20 pounds in 30 days!!!

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