What are the good/bad side of drinking raw eggs?!

Question: Will I get very sick?
Will my testosterone level gain?
Will it give me courage?
Will I die from high blood pressure; etc?

Answers: Will I get very sick?
Will my testosterone level gain?
Will it give me courage?
Will I die from high blood pressure; etc?

Good: Eggs are high in protein. It was the hyped up thing to do, right after the first Rocky movie came out.

Bad: You can get Salmonella poisoning from drinking raw eggs. Too many eggs back to back can raise your cholesterol level. Exercise has been proven to lower LDL cholesterol; but taking in a constant supply of eggs on a daily basis would eventually counteract the exercising and still raise your cholesterol to an unhealthy level. It will not give you courage. People can die from high blood pressure and high cholesterol...some people in their teens nowadays are in about as poor of a shape as people in their 60's with clogged arteries due to cholesterol.

My advice to you: Use Whey Protein powder...mix it with water or milk and drink it before/after workouts. You can get it from any GNC store. No cholesterol problems...and the body absorbs Whey Protein very quickly.

bad - unbearable taste, possiblity of food poisoning or getting a disease.
good - not sure, but i think the bad outweigh any benefits.

why not just have a protein shake, if you want to gain muscle weight? drinking raw eggs will definitely not feel good, and won't affect your testosterone level at all, nor give you courage. as for high blood pressure, i think you're thinking of cholestrol. for healthy people, no more than 1 egg a day is recommended for a healthy cholestrol level.

u can get very very sick from diseases like salmonella it will make u puke it wont give u courage i think u have courage before u drink those eggs since i am sure they dont taste great but yes they have a lot of cholesterol in them which is really bad for u but on the bright side they have protein i would suggest u make yourself an omlet

The good: Good source of protein, and carbs to fuel your muscles.
The bad: Salmonella within the eggs-WHICH CAN KILL YOU. My friend was in the hospital for eating raw cookie dough with raw eggs used that had salmonella. She was in the hospital for 2 weeks from such sickness, and she had only eaten the dough off the spoon! If you would be drinking raw eggs, your chance of survival from salmonella would be very, very low! Please reconsider, you are better of taking protein supplements.

if you eat or drink raw eggs you have a slight chance of getting salmonella (chances are around 0.03%)... but it's still a chance and if you ever caught salmonella, you'd know that next time you'd want a 0% chance of getting it :)

other than that, it blocks the uptake of biotin (one of the B vitamins) and could cause deficiencies.

raw eggs or cooked eggs, the protein content doesn't change. the protein is only denatured with heat but nothing much changes nutritionally. cooked eggs are more pleasant and that's a good enough reason for me to prefer them.

you won't die from high blood pressure, but egg yolks are a bit fatty if you eat too many. egg whites are just pure protein so you might like to separate them and only have yolks occasionally.

Great source of protein, 70 calories for around 8 grams of protein. Also complete strand of Amino Acid. A lot easier than cooking them individually. But I'm paranoid from food poisoning, so I personally would say just cook them in case.

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