6 meals help you LOSE!? What!?!

Question: Does eating 6 small meals help you lose weight or just keep the weight you're at?
I don't exercise by the way..

Answers: Does eating 6 small meals help you lose weight or just keep the weight you're at?
I don't exercise by the way..

I assume you read my earlier replys to someone. Yes it will. If (and only if) they're 6 small meals and you pay attention to glycemic index.

We're not talking about increasing your total calorific intake. You do want to arrange slight deficit.

It's all about endocrinology and blood sugar control. If you eat 6 small low glycemic index meals a day then:

1. Your blood sugar stays more constant which means your levels of circulating insulin are less. One thing insulin does is cause the body to produce more fat, and reduce the amount of fat it's using as fuel. Both of which increase the amount of fat.

2. It means you don't get long periods of starvation. During long periods of starvation your body releases lots of cortisol. Cortisol does in fact cause you to burn fat (this is why not eating at all will cause you to get very skinny before you die of starvation).....It also breaks down protein which is much more serios and

There's a very big but in the cortisol story with respect to fat:

Cortisol also programmes the fat cells in your body to think that it's in a famine situation...so consequently they divide and prepare themselves to take on fat quickly when it's available and to make more of it. Not to mention the fact that the number of fat cells actually increases because they divide....So that when you starve yourself to lose weight you increase the number of fat cells and their willingness to produce fat. So that weight lost quickly is unlikely to stay off.

If you eat 6 small meals then you will avoid lots of cortisol so that you will lose weight and it will stay off. Sure you can lose weight faster but it will come on more quickly again when you start eating. Lose it this way and it will stay off.

Oh and I notice you've said you don't exercise. I'd reccomend you get out and do that too of course. Diet is only half of the equation - and attempting to do things by diet alone won't produce the same results ;-)

6 small balanced and healthy meals a day with exercise 3-4 times a week can help you lose weight.
eating the right meals every 3 hrs can help stabilise blood sugar, which controls your appetite.
Proper timing helps increase energy levels, alertness, muscle mass and, most importantly, helps reduce abdominal fat.
i'm not really sure if just eating like that without exercise can help you lose weight. i wouldn't risk it.

depends on teh amount of calories, it can do both, maintain or lose or even gain, all depends on calories and types of foods etc

it helps cause you eat, burn, eat, burn, etc
and youre not starving when you eat so it deosnt store it as fat

yes it helps speed up your metabolism. They have to be small meals though. I have a hard time trying to eat 6 meals I usually only get about 5 in with no more then 300 calories per meal. That puts me at 1500 calories.

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