Im 15, 5"1 and 110-ish pounds, how to lose 5-10 pounds?!

Question: Here's the deal, im really short so i have short stuby legs.. im pretty thin, but since my legs are so short, they look fairly large, especially my thighs.

I work out for about 30 minutes a day 6 days a week.
how should i lose a few pounds so my legs dont look so large and unporportionate to my body?

Answers: Here's the deal, im really short so i have short stuby legs.. im pretty thin, but since my legs are so short, they look fairly large, especially my thighs.

I work out for about 30 minutes a day 6 days a week.
how should i lose a few pounds so my legs dont look so large and unporportionate to my body?

At 15, you are still growing. At your weight and height, you don't need to lose weight either. There is no such thing as spot reducing either. The body burns fat from wherever it can, after it gets done burning whatever glycogen is available in the cells, and only after your body has reached a certain level of effort and sustained it for awhile.

If you diet indiscriminantly, you could inhibit height growth, muscular growth, bone formation and density leading to osteoporosis later in life, or even prematurely, and possibly create other problems as well.

The other thing is - you are a female. At your age, you are gaining your female shape. It's natural and desirable to be shaped the way you are, so please don't try to second guess eons of human development.

If you really have thicker thighs than you wish you did, then the thing to know is - is it muscle? or not. If it's muscle, then the extra shape is a good thing, it's healthy weight, and you need to accept that as a positive. If it's fat, that's still probably ok. However - if you want to be as healthy as possible, do this:
Eat a healthy well balanced diet, and join the track team.
I'm serious. Running track will make you healthy as you can possibly imagine. If you have fat that is actually extra, you'll burn it off. If it's not extra, you won't. Running doesn't build muscles for major size either. You can't gain those anyway because you lack the hormones - being a female. The ones you see that are ripped to shreds and huge have been taking steroids. As a runner, you'll gain strength, you'll lose body fat, and your muscles will be long, lean and strong.


Working out 30 min a day is to maintain body weight. You need about 45-60min to lose weight.

the nicole richie diet

Skip your breakfast, skip your lunch, skip your dinner and I am sure that you will lose weight with no problem

I feel bad for girls my age so obsessed about their weights... =[

try pilates or yoga to shape your body, and for the record, I'm 5"1 and 125 lbs , you are at a good weight, I really dont think you need to lose much if any at all. keep in mind that muscles weigh more than fat, sounds like you are more worried about the shape of your body-so work on sculpting your body, speak with a certified trainer from your local gym for further help. like try YMCA since you are 15, a good read is Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding by Arnold Schwarzenegger ... check this out at your library or purchase at any bookstore, he walks through every body part and how to shape it...
O! and drink lots of water

beer diet

I really don't think you need to lose weight your are healthy the way you are. But as for making your legs seen leaner and longer try pilates.

i think 30 min enough u can also walk on tridmeall every day that way u can tone ur legs and eat well ur body need energy for working out "good luck"

Since you say you're already working out each day, perhaps you might be a little self concious of your body type?
Judging by your weight and height, you sound just fine to me.
But if it really bothers you, toning might help. Maybe some lunges, or stationary bike? Stretching, yoga, and pilates is great too!

Your doctor can give you the best advice. When you go for your next check up talk to your Dr. or ask Mom or Dad to take you. Eating a healthy combination of foods and increased excercise is one way to lose weight, however, you may not lose it in. It is kind of like gravitiy, you will lose it on top before you lose it on the bottom. Good luck, and remember to eat right.

old fashioned drill routine work - march in place (w/toes reaching knee) 100x several times a day and high kick or jump roping
High kick dancers/ college or professional cheerleaders don't have big thighs by doing these activities.

i'm not sure why you would want to drop weight. you're smaller then most girls anyway. if you're really that worried about it a tan might make them look slimer. i'm sure people don't really notice it anyway.

besides, i think most guys like girls who have an actual body or some sort of body shape. i don't know very many guys who are into the skeleton look.

Do not skip breakfast but rather have a healthy one. A small piece of fruit and some special K and skim milk. It will help you be able to concentrate in school.
If at all possible walk to school. While it might not be cool , a brisk walk will wake you and burn off calories.
School lunches can be hazardous! stick to fruits and if they have them salad bar, watch out for those dressings!
Gym class can be a good time to build some muscle and do some aerobic exercise use it.
Walk the dog after school or play with younger siblings.
Dinner should be your lightest meal and almost all protein and water. Protein will stop you from getting hungry later and water is good for you. Drink as much water as u can all day
diet soda is no good for you it fakes your body into thinking u have eaten sugar and you only get hungrier.
Building a little muscle gains a little weight at first but in the long run helps you keep it off.

the problem is you can't spot reduce any body part. I'd say try dressing differently instead.

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