Is weighing 175 pounds too much fat for a person who is 5 feet 6 tall?!

Question: Yes it is

Answers: Yes it is

Not if it's all in your boobs!

Depends on whether its a male or female, whether a majority of it is fat or muscle? As you know muscle weighs more then fat! Ok you know what screw it, tried to be nice but got a thumbs down as did a lot of people so yes that's to fat, loose some weight. Maybe that's the answer you wanted to hear.

heck yeah!!
for a girl, you should be no more than 150! (in my opinion)

a little overwieght i think..
but not by lotss

Yeah; I'm 6'3'' and weigh only 10 pounds more than you.

Definatly not, that is actually a very healthy weight and your BMI is healthy as well.
Don't worry about it, your doing fine :)

yes I'm 5'6 and only 115. go to the gym!!!

umm no hard feeling, but yes it is, if ur a girl then its a problem but if ur a guy not really matter, but like i said just be who u r, weight really doesnt matter

It depends. Are you eating unhealthy? If you are then yes but if you arent then NO

i dont think so but check out this website and click POUNDS/FEET


yes. Even for a large framed person 159 is the ideal weight

yes it is a lot. hope it is not a hormonal problem. if not here is what my dietician recommends - follow a practical diet. have a snack every three hours. fruit or soy nuts. Make sure your plate has this ratio - 50% veg, 25% carb, 25% protein. Pick an exercise regime you like. But lose only 1 kilo a week. That is the permanent way of losing. Dieticians offer eally good suggestions that r easy to follow. go to one

It depends how much of you is fat, and how much is muscle. Get a body fat percentage test done. The levels are different between guys and girls (girls are higher %) but normal guys is 12-16%.

I really depends on the shape of the person.

It maybe be where all the 'fat' is in one area or if it's evenly spread out.

I would talk to your doctor and see what he/she says. You could be perfectly healthy.

If you feel like you could be a little slimmer, then do a little exericse.

I'm a dude, 5'5, 180lbs and I have a big beer belly. I'd look better if I dropped 10-15 but I'll have to give up beer. I won't be doing that.
If you're a girl with those stats(5'6 175), I'd say drop 30-40lbs.
I know there's a double standard. It's a man's world out there. A guy can pull off that weight but a girl can't. I didn't make the rules.

you r healthy ... if u want to be sexy .. then do something

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I think it is a little heavy. It wouldn't take long to lose a few pounds with exercise and a good diet. Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and leave the soda and sweets alone. Cut way back on fast foods and eating out. Pick healthy things to eat when you do eat out. Salads, vegetables,fresh fruits and watch the salt. No diet soda, it's high in salt except Diet Rite cola has no salt or calories.

It's a little overweight. I weigh about 160, most of which is muscle, and I'm around 5'7.

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