How do i make losing weight constant?!

Question: im 174lbs and 5'5

ive been dieting but my weight has been going up and down lately, ive been to the gym 3 times this week and STILL gained weight, wtf? how do i lose weight consistantly, or is that possible?

Answers: im 174lbs and 5'5

ive been dieting but my weight has been going up and down lately, ive been to the gym 3 times this week and STILL gained weight, wtf? how do i lose weight consistantly, or is that possible?

The amount of fat you burn depends on your diet, and your exercise. As far as your diet goes, you need to be eating the right amount of calories, but the right calories. Cut down on carbohydrates like bread, egg yolk, pasta etc, and increase the amount of fruit and vegetables you are eating, along with fresh chicken, fish, and lean red meat. Eat 5-6 smaller meals per day, spreading out your calorie intake. This will highten your body's metabolic rate meaning that you will naturally burn fuel quicker. Don't eat after 2 hours before you go to bed. Any fuel you consume that isn't burned will just be stored as fat. Drink plenty of water.
With your exercise, the general guideline is atleast 30 minutes of cardio work 3 times a week. But this is the very minumum if you want to lose fat. The rule is simple - the more you do, and the more intense it is, the more fat you burn off. Jogging is the best exercise to burn fat, and if you can jog at a steady pace for 25-30 minutes 3 times a week, then you will see a difference soon. As I said though, the more you do, the more fat you'll burn...simple. If you need to work up to this level of fitness, then start by riding a bike, or using an elliptical or rowing machine. You can also walk for 5 minutes, and jog for 5 minutes and keep that up for 30 minutes instead until you can keep going.
If your going to do cardio work try to do it as early as possible. The body responds better to cardio work earlier in the morning, and the fat burning effect carries on for some time afterwards.

If you follow these guidelines, then you should definately see an improvement in the results your getting. Try to weigh yourself on a weekly basis rather than a daily one though, as from day to day your weight can fluctuate a lot due to the amount of water and waste your body is carrying.

Good luck, and keep it up.

Try eating the same amount of calories each day.

1st.... try just eating healthy drinking lots of water, working out everyday.......... and relax

Constant? Read Stephen King's "Thinner;" you don't want constant weight loss. I think what your asking is how to maintain your weight and stop fluctuating.

Remember that exercise builds muscle as you loose fat, and muscle weighs more -- so, yes: it is possible to have a slight weight gain for a while until your body mass and metabolism level off. You are aiming for a slow steady weight loss of 3-5 pounds a week until you hit your goal weight. BUT:
remember that how you look and feel, and how your clothes fit are much better indicators than the scale of how you're doing. Weigh yourself about once a week at the same time of day (morning or evening). Weighing yourself more often than that is crazy-making!

Keep up the good work, and good luck!!

Weigh yourself at least twice a day and keep a log so you can see and modify any trends that appear.

you should get a body composition if you havent already. it tells you your percent body fat, fat body weight, lean body weight, basal metabolic rate, total body water. It then tells you your recommendations on where you should be at.
also you should try to change up your work out routine. you dont want to do the same work out routine day after day b/c then you get bored and stop working out.
i have heard that when you start working out you gain body water weight the first two weeks and then after that you should start noticing some weight lose. make sure to drink plenty of water and to eat healthy but also to treat yourself once in a while with something nonhealthy (but not all day. maybe a candy bar, a burger or something like that.)
Hope this helps.

In the beginning you will lose weight easy. As you go along you must increase your workout for you to continue to lose. This takes some time. It seems like you just started, six months from now you will be happy with your results.

keep at what ure doing and in 30 days you'll see better results ;)

Just eat and get accustomed to smaller meals , not real small just a bit smaller. Also eat slower and you will feel full on less food

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