Why do most americans eat so unhealthy?!

Question: Fatty food tastes good but why do so many people sacrifice their health and fitness just to enjoy eating?

Answers: Fatty food tastes good but why do so many people sacrifice their health and fitness just to enjoy eating?

Fast food itself isn't typically unhealthy when eaten in moderation. There have been times I've been to McDonald's about three to five days a week. I never gained weight from it.

The reason why so many Americans gain weight is because they don't do something after eating, or they eat large quantities of food to the point where their stomach starts to expand. Drinking a lot of pop is another reason for obesity.

It is true that fast food itself isn't healthy, but only when it's abused. You can gain weight by overeating anything actually. The key to keep that from happening is to eat in moderation and to do something physically active afterward.

Lifestyle and because it is a rich country, the serving sizes are bigger than places like Australia. This means more food consumption, more calories and more fat people.

More for less. You can buy a huge, tasty, artery clogging, amazingly good meal for only $5.

The whole thing. Once your done you don't have to clean the dishes, or pack the food away. You don't even have to cook it.

That's the joy of fast food. A big meal for $5 or less and it takes less than a minute, and you don't even have to do anything.

Cheap and convenient garbage on every corner. But they will pay for it in the long run with health problems.

media causes insecurity which makes people depressed. eating releases anti-depressants in the brain.

and americans are stupid and lazy...well over half now

but bigger people are still beautifull in their own right

Several reasons.

Starting with the fact that food is consumed in larger volumes here than in other countries, primarily because it is cheaper to produce here.

Another reason is because the average person determines their diet by what the majority eat, and the majority ussualy dont think about what they should eat as much as what they WANT to eat. and the idea of WHAT is given to them by the media.

On average, big business like Mcdonalds and Burger king put several billion.. yes.. billion dollars a year into advertising.

On the flipside. healthy diet ideas ( this doesnt include subway specificaly) rarely get over a few percentage in respect to the big business to advertise a healthier lifstyle.

This comes down to what you see on the tv and get a craving for. that in turn relates to where your more likely to stop off at to eat. stopping off to eat ofcourse is because the profile of the average american is that americans predominantly work more hrs per week than most countries. more work= less free time and so "fast food" is more convenient.

Another reason is because alot of americans arent as concerned with their outward appearance as one might assume. not so much that they would be willing to change their entire lifestyle for the better.

And the last reason i can think of off the top of my head is oh yes. companies that produce foods for the fast food market add in ingredients that spur the appetite, aswell as natual and synthetic ingredients that as evil as this sounds. give a sense of satisfaction.

If you go and get a super sized meal and eat the entire thing. and feel full and content. that obviously makes you feel good.
A few hours later you feel hungry again and decide to go get another of the same type of thing since it did the trick last time.

It becomes habit and engrained into your routine, the reason i mention those addictive qualities of fast food isnt because its some secret that should be revealed. its because thats how it is. big business only makes money when they sell their product, and the more the better. in the event they can add to the chances of a customer returning they will do what is nessisary to get their product on the table, in your stomach and out of your pocket.

Its all about convenience and price.
Healthier foods are generally more expensive and take more time to prepare and eat.
Americans are all about now now now...health takes a backseat to getting things done.
Sad, huh?

Look around...how many Mcds, Burger Kings, Taco Bells, KFCs etc do you see everywhere. How many stupid ads for them do you see everywhere you look. These companies offer an enormous 'satisfying' meal (a lot more than anyone actually needs) at an affordable price and promote it like crazy. They practically impose it on the people who know no better and try to hid the bad effects.

New research is beginning to show that many people are preferring to be obese as they can get away with eating all that junk and not excersising and then taking a couple of pills to help prevent all the negative consequences.

In other words, America is lazy and no offence, not that bright and so when a smiling clown offers them crap in a bun for a cheap price...they go for it.

instant gratification. the american way!
they also, want to lose weight without excersing, or liposuction.. again, instant gratification.. americans are lazier then other countries.
hate to say it, but its true.

Americans have very unhealthy eating habits because of the easy availability unhealthy foodstuff. I was born in the world's junkfood capital (Mcdonald's, Dunkin D I luv u all & I miss u) where the world's top 10 junkfood in all categories are easily available as long as u can pay for them & they r not exactly expensive. When my present job required me to move to another country that didn't have the luxury of getting junkfood easily, I lost 2 inches on my waistline in 1 year without breaking a sweat.

Australia is exactly is not well off either in terms of obese people. I have 2 different Australian customers & all they talk about when I meet them is the alarming rise in obesity in Australia even among school children.

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