Why is low muscle tone a symptom of ADD?!

Question: I read that low muscle tone is one symptom of ADD. I thought that was a little strange. Does anyone know what causes low muscle tone in people with ADD?

Answers: I read that low muscle tone is one symptom of ADD. I thought that was a little strange. Does anyone know what causes low muscle tone in people with ADD?

that data does not sound accurate. muscle tone or the amount of body fat that a person has is ultimately determined by the diet that they follow.

regular exercise definetly helps to modify behavior and help provide behavior modification in those with ADD/ADHD

because they're weird and don't work out

Its not; it could be bad or good.

If you focus ADD/ADHD into something constructive like fitness it is only an advantage since it helps burn energy and releases some stress.

If however you do not control your short attention span long enough to enjoy it you will likely not work out as much. I have ADHD and it can be an advantage if you learn to use it.

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