Best and Fastest Diet pill out there?!

Question: If you are going to take diet pills, be sure to do your research first. I have taken many different kinds, most of the time for energy while working out. There is a new one out though. It was previously by prescription only, but they cut down the dose, and it is now sold over the counter. It's Alli. This stuff is crazy, you need to read about it, and really be dedicated to using it, and using it right.

It has some very unpleasant side effects, but is very effective at the same time. It basically passes a certain amount of the fat you are intaking through your body. So, the less you intake, the less the gross side effects will show up. It kind of works as a training tool too because it encourages you to eat healthy. If you eat to much fat in a meal, you will basically be running for the bathroom, and what comes out, isn't pleasant. If you get grossed out easy, don't read any more of this.......have you ever taken a piece of paper towel and laid it on top of a greasy piece of pizza? Well, that's pretty much what comes out. And you will go to the bathroom MANY times in a day. I would definitely recommend Alli, but be prepared, and don't go bungee jumping while taking it. Of course, ask your doctor, and do your research first. Oh, and make sure to take a daily vitamin with it. And just FYI, I believe it is the only weight loss supplement out there that is FDA approved.

Answers: If you are going to take diet pills, be sure to do your research first. I have taken many different kinds, most of the time for energy while working out. There is a new one out though. It was previously by prescription only, but they cut down the dose, and it is now sold over the counter. It's Alli. This stuff is crazy, you need to read about it, and really be dedicated to using it, and using it right.

It has some very unpleasant side effects, but is very effective at the same time. It basically passes a certain amount of the fat you are intaking through your body. So, the less you intake, the less the gross side effects will show up. It kind of works as a training tool too because it encourages you to eat healthy. If you eat to much fat in a meal, you will basically be running for the bathroom, and what comes out, isn't pleasant. If you get grossed out easy, don't read any more of this.......have you ever taken a piece of paper towel and laid it on top of a greasy piece of pizza? Well, that's pretty much what comes out. And you will go to the bathroom MANY times in a day. I would definitely recommend Alli, but be prepared, and don't go bungee jumping while taking it. Of course, ask your doctor, and do your research first. Oh, and make sure to take a daily vitamin with it. And just FYI, I believe it is the only weight loss supplement out there that is FDA approved.

dont take diet pills. they are not good for you. unless you want crazy problems with your body, take them, but if you want to be healthy DONT take them. the first step to losing weight IS GETTING HEALTHY. dont put anything unnatural like that in oyur body.

The most expensive ones are the best - at taking a gullible fool's money! Surely you aren't one of those...are you?

Adipex but you need an rx for those.

It doesn't exist.
If it did, don't you think we'd all be as thin as supermodels? Notice that we're not?

The only way to lose weight successfully and keep it off is LIFESTYLE CHANGE.
Moderate and varied daily diet (NOT fad eating!) and regular exercise that varies cardio and toning workouts, with 3 sessions of each per week.

Richard Simmons may be weird, but he is right.

Sorry, kiddo, but your quick pill fix is as real as the tooth fairy.

I wasn't a big fan of diet pills and like a lot of people, I would tell you to stay away from them, BUT I actually found something that I like and has worked for me.

I've been taking Hydroxycut Max for about a week now and have literally lost 2.5lbs. I eat very healthy ( I do eat carbs, but the majority is eaten only during breakfast and after workouts), I workout 6 days a week (cardio and weights), and drown myself in water, not literally but I drink PLENTY of it. So I didn't starve myself to lose this weight. I ate 6 meals a day, with breakfast being the biggest. Anyways, I would tell you my whole routine and eating habits, but thats not what you asked.

So if you do decide to try Hydroxycut Max I have to tell you that although I haven't experienced it yet, it does come with side affects such as nausea, heartburn, and headaches. The only way to prevent this is to eat and drink tons of water!

I will also say that there are NO MAGIC PILLS out there and you have to make sure you eat properly and healthy along with exercise and my recommendation for Hydroxycut Max only comes from experience using it.

No unlke everyone else i will actually answer ur question. I recently bought hydroxycut Max, the fomula for women. I did my research and everything. The pill claims you'll see changes right away, i figured yeah right thats just water weight. I did the recommended dosage of 1 pill 2x for the frist 3 days. I noticed an immediate change in my mood, energy level and appitite. When i say immediate i seriously mean it. it didnt make me jittery with to much energy. I had enough to get through my day and work out later without crashing at the end. My mood was great, energetic. My appetite( im not fat but when i get hungry I eat like a dude) felt controlled and so did my cravings for radom stuff late at night. You feel full quickly so it helps with portion control.

Im taking it because although im not fat, i still need to shed a few pounds and tone a firm before my beach trip in 2 months. I having been taking it long but so far so good.

I have tried other pills, they just made me feel sick from all the caffine in them, and even with diet and excersie they didnt work. I know it takes strong will to fight the cravings but sometimes you need help when you feel weak at 2am and ur want taco bell. This pill is working Im telling you. Im not sure if ur a guy or girl but i think they have a formula specified to each gender.

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